CSSE 120 — Introduction to Software Development, Robotics

Capstone Robotics Team Project (in Python) — Winter 2010-2011

Music Delivery Service

Project Process et al

Project Requirements Process and Due Dates Deliverables Sharing your work in your SVN team repository Grading Suggestions and Resources

Process and Due Dates

Much of this process is derived from Agile Software Development, especially Extreme Programming and Scrum.


All the following, except for the code itself and the Angel surveys, should be in your team's project repository in the Process folder. For the Release Plan and Task Lists, use the text files that we already placed there.

Sharing your work in your SVN team repository


Grades on the project will be based on the Music Delivery Grading Rubric.

Project grades will be based on both individual and group results.  Your team will get a group grade then grades will be adjusted based on your individual contributions.

We will check off project deliverables, including features implemented, throughout the project.

The final program will be graded based on the proper functioning of your program.

The program will also be graded on your design, coding style, and documentation, including SVN commit messages.

The grade can also be bumped up some due to your creativity. Sometimes students think of even cooler things to do to demonstrate their understanding. What challenges you?

Each team member will be required to complete an evaluation survey about his or her own performance and that of each of his or her teammates. We will use these surveys and our own observations to assign individual project grades.

Suggestions and Resources

Links that you might want to explore (but don’t have to):