This document helps you plan your work, by indicating what features you plan to implement in each of the 3 Sprints. You re-plan at the beginning of each Sprint, based in part on your project velocity -- the sum of the estimated times for the features that your team implemented in the previous Sprint. This is a living document that should be updated at EACH class session. It is a plan, not a contract. "Guess hours" are an estimate you make when you enter the task. It is OK to be way off. Don't change your guesses afterwards. Status should generally be either: Not started (N), In progress (I), or Completed (C). You can copy-and-paste features from the list we provided in the features.txt file if you wish. Sprint 1: Guess Features we plan to implement in this Sprint: Hours Status --------------------------------------------- ----- ------ Sprint 2: Guess Features we plan to implement in this Sprint: Hours Status --------------------------------------------- ----- ------ Sprint 3: Guess Features we plan to implement in this Sprint: Hours Status --------------------------------------------- ----- ------