This document: 1. Helps you keep track of what TASKS you have ahead of you, and when they are due. 2. Lets your teammates know the status of your tasks. 3. Helps you get better at estimating the effort required to implement a given feature. 4. Lets your instructor monitor the volume of your work. Everything that you do for the Project that takes at least an hour should be listed in this document. It is a living document, updated at each of your work sessions. However, everything in it is brief; determining the tasks may be hard, but typing them into this file should not take more than 2 minutes per work session. Status should generally be either: Not started (N), In progress (I), Completed (C), or Cancelled (X). "Guess hours" are an estimate you make when you enter the task. It is OK to be way off. Don't change your guesses afterwards. Both "hours" figures are YOUR hours - don't include teammates' time. Your name: XXX Partner(s) Due Hours Description of Task if any date Status Guess Actual --------------------------------- ---------- ----- ------ ----- ------ Implement line following (example) Jim Mon N 1.5 3