Amirmasoud Momenipour
Dr. Momenipour teaches engineering management at Rose-Hulman with specific interests in human factors engineering, cognitive engineering, work analysis and design and user experience research. He was named the Outstanding Graduate Student of the Year in the Information Systems Department at Morehead State University in 2014 and earned his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in 2019, where he earned the Graduate and Professional Student Government Research Grant in 2018. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, photography and video recording and editing.

Academic Degrees

Ph.D. - University of Iowa, 2019

MS - Morehead State University, 2014

BS - Azad University, 2009

Awards & Honors

Graduate & Professional Student Government (GPSG) Research Grant, University of Iowa, 2018

Outstanding graduate student of the year at the Information Systems Department, Morehead State University, 2014

Publications & Presentations

Momenipour, A., & Pennathur, P. R. (2019). Balancing documentation and direct patient care activities: A study of a mature electronic health record system. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 72, 338-346.

Momenipour, A. & Pennathur, P. R. (2018, May). Audio-tactile warning systems based on learnability and perceived urgency of tactile stimuli: Implications for design of audio-tactile medical warning systems. Annual Conference of Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), Orlando, FL.

Momenipour, A. & Pennathur, P. R. (2018, May). Patterns of Providers’ Workflow Based on Electronic Documentation and Patient-Care. Annual Conference of Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), Orlando, FL.

Pennathur, P. R., & Momenipour, A. (2015, September). Provider Workflow and Patient Care: Impact of Electronic Health Information Systems. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 996-1000). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

Hunt, CS., Panigrahi, D., Momenipour, A. "Augmenting the information systems curriculum with a course in health informatics." International Journal of Business Research and Information Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, 2015, p. 121.

Research Experiences

Crossmodal learning, attention and retention interacting with multimodal displays

Multimodal fusion in medical warning systems

Cognitive ergonomics in audio-tactile wearables

Healthcare IT

Teaching Interests

Human Factors Engineering

Cognitive Engineering

Work Analysis and Design

User Experience Research

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