Dr. Jong Hun Kim is an economics professor whose areas of specialization include applied econometrics, money and finance, and East Asian economies. His research activities cover the transmission of financial crises, investment and financing choices, and stock market development and economic growth. Dr. Kim has industry experience working for the Korea Economic Forecast Association and Samsung Economic Research Institute. He also advises the Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers student organization.
Academic Degrees
- BA, Korea University, 1988
- MA, Korea University, 1990
- PhD, Vanderbilt University, 2005
Awards & Honors
- Rendig Fels Award for Excellence in Teaching, Vanderbilt University, 2001-2002
- Res earch Fellow (by courtesy), National Assembly Research Service , Republic of Korea, 2012 -present
Research Experiences
- Macroeconomic and monetary studies
- Transmission of financial crises
- Investment and financing choices of firms
- Stock market development and economic growth
Select Publications & Presentations
- “The Interest Rate Effect on Investment: An Empirical Study,” Western Economic Association International Annual Conference, Seattle, 2013
- Kim, J.H. and Rosseau, P.L., “Credit Buildups and the Stock Market in Four East Asian Economies,” Journal of Macroeconomics 34, 489-503, 2012
- “The Role of Financial Markets and Intermediaries: An Empirical Study,” Western Economic Association International Annual Conference, San Francisco, 2012
- “Banks and Stock Markets in Four East Asian Financial Crisis Economies,” Midwest Economics Association Annual Conference, St. Loius, 2011
- Kim, J.H. and Rosseau, P.L., “A Flight to Q?: Firm Investment and Financing in Korea Before and After the 1997 Financial Crisis,” Journal of Banking and Finance 32, 1416-1429, 2008
- Kim, J.H. and Rosseau, P.L., “Credit Markets and the Propagation of Korea’s 1997 Financial Crisis,” Southern Economic Journal 74, 524-545, 2007
- “Investment and Financing Constraints Around the Korean Financial Crisis,” Graduate Program in Economic Development’s 50th Year Anniversary Conference, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, 2005
Teaching Interests
- Macroeconomics
- Money and banking
- Economic growth and development
- International finance
- Corporate finance