Dr. Zac Chambers͛ areas of expertise include hybrid vehicle powertrains, model-based system design, entrepreneurship and aquaponics. He was an award-winning faculty advisor for the institute͛s advanced automotive design competition teams, has advised several student independent design projects, and mentored high-school seniors completing projects in Rose-Hulman͛s Operation Catapult summer program. Dr. Chambers, a Rose-Hulman graduate, has taught introductory-level, model-based system design courses to students at Hubei University in China and has been a presenter at the Indiana State Museum͛s Science Nights summer education series.
Academic Degrees
- MBA, Indiana State University, 2015
- PhD, University of Tennessee Knoxville, 2000
- MS, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 1996
- BS, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 1994
Awards & Honors
- Outstanding Faculty Advisor, ChallengeX Advanced Automotive Vehicle Competition
Research Experiences
- System modeling and engineering
- Sustainable agriculture, focusing on recirculating aquaculture systems
Select Publications & Presentations
- Chambers, Z., Pollom, M., Hall, B. and DeBard, D., “Lessons Learned in Starting a Commercial Aquaponics Operation: Greener Scenes, LLC,” Aquaculture America, 2017
Teaching Interests
- Machine Component Design
- Capstone Design