Dr. Tyler Billingsley’s teaching interests include calculus, discrete mathematics, number theory, introduction to proofs and abstract algebra. His research interests also include Diophantine geometry and code-based cryptography. In 2017, Dr. Billingsley received the TA Excellence in Teaching Award from the Purdue University math department. His hobbies include cycling and video games.
Academic Degrees
- PhD in mathematics, Purdue University, 2020
- BS in mathematics and a minor in computer science, Purdue University Calumet, 2013
Awards & Honors
- Project NExT Fellow Gold '21, Mathematical Association of America
- TA Excellence in Teaching Award, Purdue Math Department, October 2017
Hobbies include cycling and video games
Publications & Presentations
- Sarah Arpin, Tyler Raven Billingsley, Daniel Rayor Hast, Jun Bo Lau, Ray Perlner, and Angela Robinson, A Study of Error Floor Behavior in QC-MDPC Codes. Post-Quantum Cryptography, pages 89–103, Cham, 2022. Springer International Publishing.
- Tyler Raven Billingsley, An Extension to the Gusić-Tadić Specialization Criterion, Acta Arithmetica 206 (2022), 35-44. DOI: 10.4064/aa210908-28-9 arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.
10233 - Tyler Raven Billingsley, An Algorithm For Checking Injectivity For Specialization Homomorphisms From Elliptic Surfaces, Journal of Number Theory 238 (2022), 1081–1106. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnt.2021.11.002. arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.
Research Experiences
- Number theory
- Diophantine geometry
- Code-based cryptography
Teaching Interests
- Calculus
- Discrete mathematics
- Number theory
- Introduction to proofs
- Abstract algebra