LEAD: Leadership Education & Development Program

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Are you ready to LEAD?

LEAD: R. Jed Holt. Sponsored by ArcelorMittal

Unleash Your Potential with Rose-Hulman's LEAD Program

Are you ready to not only excel in technical prowess but also soar in leadership within your industry? Rose-Hulman is where your journey begins, shaping trailblazers who are as proficient in leading teams as they are in solving complex equations. Our graduates are not just scientists, mathematicians, and engineers; they're innovators, leaders, and visionaries recognized for their exceptional technical and leadership skills across the globe.

Introducing the Rose-Hulman Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program 

The world is calling for STEM professionals who can bridge the gap between technology and public policy, those who dare to lead where others follow. Responding to this call, the LEAD program is meticulously designed to cultivate the leaders of tomorrow, today. Inspired by the insights from the National Academy of Engineering's The Engineer of 2020, our program is your gateway to becoming a STEM professional equipped to tackle the technical challenges of the future through effective leadership.

Why LEAD at Rose-Hulman?

Our mission is clear: to empower you to take charge, innovate, and lead with confidence and integrity. Through the LEAD program, you'll embark on an unparalleled journey of personal and professional development, acquiring the skills necessary to inspire teams, drive change, and make a lasting impact in our global community.

What Does the LEAD Program Offer?

  • Swearingen LEADership Series: Pioneers in STEM like Hank Green and Kate Maxwell are just two examples of guest symposium speakers on campus.
  • Lunch & LEAD Series: Connect with like-minded peers and industry leaders, expanding your network and insights over lunch.
  • Leadership Workshop Series: Engaging workshops that equip you with the tools to navigate the complexities of leadership in a tech-driven world.
  • LEAD Book Club: Dive into the minds of great leaders through thought-provoking literature and discussion.
  • Leadership Academy: A transformative experience that prepares you to lead with vision and courage. 
  • At Rose-Hulman, we believe in a world led by scientists, mathematicians, and engineers – brave, compassionate, and innovative leaders who are ready to face the challenges of tomorrow. The LEAD program is your stepping stone to becoming one of these revered leaders. Are you ready to leave your mark on the world?

Join us at Rose-Hulman's LEAD Program. Transform your potential into impact.

Current students can access more information about LEAD on Campus Groups

Please contact Kristen Merchant with any questions.


Leadership means successfully motivating and enabling a group towards the achievement of a shared, articulated goal.

- LEAD participant

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