Op Amp Power Supply ConnectionsHere's a method for setting up power for a dual-supply op amp: Use the components UA741, VDC, GND_ANALOG, and BUBBLE. Double-click the BUBBLE symbol to name the power nets. Visually disjoint nets with the same name are actually the same net. "Too Many Opamps"Designs that use more than about four or five opamp transistor-level models (e.g., uA741) will not simulate due to the device limit in the evaluation version. PSpice does not limit the number of basic devices such as voltage sources and resistors, so an ideal opamp model based on a controlled source may serve your needs just as well. You give up the ability to accurately model saturation and limited-bandwidth effects. You can replace the uA741 opamp with an ideal opamp model based on a voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS) called the "E" device in PSpice. Ground the negative side of the output source (as shown below), and use the remaining three pins just as you would for a 3-terminal op amp: Double-click the symbol to set the gain to a reasonably large value such as 105 or 106 (enter 100000 or 1000000 in the dialog box). Now you have a high gain differential voltage amplifier with infinite input resistance and zero output resistance. Mutual InductanceMutual inductance occurs when two inductors L1 and L2 share some common magnetic flux. The double-sided arrow symbol indicates the mutual inductance M that exists between the magnetically-coupled coils. The diagrams below show a typical circuit symbol for coupled coils, and its translation into PSpice:
Here's what you do:
Frequency Response MeasurementFollow the procedure below to measure the frequency response of a circuit (the results are in the form of a Bode plot):