JI Case Wetland Project

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Rose-Hulman students have been studying the chemistry, hydrology, and biology of the JI Case Wetland for the last several years. The wetland borders the northern edge of the Rose-Hulman campus and is located in the Lost Creek - South Fork (HUC 05120111040030) watershed.


Summer intern sampling water quality in

 JI Case Wetland.

 (Photos courtesy of Jim Avelis- Tribune Star, Terre Haute, Indiana)

Dr. Ella Ingram and two summer interns return from checking amphibian traps.

(Photos courtesy of Jim Avelis- Tribune Star, Terre Haute, Indiana)

JI Case Wetland is a constructed wetland adjacent to the northern border of the Rose-Hulman campus. Hamthorn Lake is located directly west of JI case.

Construction of JI Case Lake and Wetland was completed in 1984. The lake and wetland were constructed for waterfowl habitat and fishing. Waterfowl nesting islands were constructed in the lake basin creating a series of interconnected channels prior to impoundment. A 1934 aerial photo shows the wetland site and the much smaller Rose-Hulman campus.




A 1974 aerial photo showing Hawthorn Lake and the expanded Rose-Hulman campus .



The JI Case Wetland is located in the Lost Creek - South Fork (HUC 05120111040030) watershed.


The wetland's watershed is predominantly agriculture and forest.

An unnamed creek flows into the JI Case Wetland at the northern edge of the wetland. The outlet is located on the southwest corner of the wetland. The outlet is a vertical drop overflow. The water flows south until entering Lost Creek on the Rose-Hulman campus.

Unnamed creek entering wetland and outlet of wetland.

A sampling network was established on the wetland. An inlet sampling transect (yellow triangles) was located across the upper end of the wetland while an outlet sampling transect was located on the southwest edge of the wetland. Two water quality sondes (red triangles) were installed on the inlet and near the outlet of the wetland. 

June 29, 2006 Total Nitrogen concentrations in the wetland show total

nitrogen concentrations less than 1mg/l across the wetland.

Wetland on June 26, 2006 showing high algal growth in

portions of the wetland.