28th Annual RHIT Undergraduate Mathematics Conference: March 25th and 26th, 2011
The Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Undergraduate Mathematics Conference is a two-day mathematics conference
held annually each spring since 1983. It is attended by students and faculty from various universities and colleges
primarily in Indiana and its surrounding states, but also from other states and countries. The conference features
20 minute talks by students in addition to three longer addresses by invited speakers. The two invited speakers this year will be finalized
Undergraduate students at all levels are invited to discuss
their independent work in any area associated with mathematics, its applications, history, philosophy, or pedagogy.
Undergraduates are welcome to submit abstracts of their talks anytime from now until March 21, 2011. Faculty are
encouraged to suggest to their students that the undergraduate mathematics conference at Rose-Hulman would be an
appropriate place to present a talk.
The 20 minute talks (please see SPEAKER GUIDELINES) could include
(but are not limited to) topics from algebra, calculus, geometry, probability and statistcs, history of mathematics, graph theory,
philosophy of mathematics, or mathematical modeling.
Please look at the
Conference History to see the titles and abstracts of previous talks.
There is no registration
fee for those students presenting talks and free housing will be provided for all students attending the conference.
We ask that all conference participants complete the registration form for the RHIT Undergraduate Math Conference at the
registration page.
It is important that you answer all
of the questions on the registration form. Registration for the conference must be completed no later than Monday, March 21, 2011.
E-mail any questions to devashe1@rose-hulman.edu or
holder1@rose-hulman.edu. We look forward to seeing
you at the Undergraduate Math Conference.