
es203 | doering | ece labs | ece | rhit








Mar 10

Introductions and overview Preface

Circuit Variables and Elements

1-2 T 11 Charge, current, voltage. Reference directions, passive sign convention. Ch 1:
pp 1-9
1-3 F 14 Circuit elements 1: 10-27

AC Steady State Analysis

2-1 M 17 Phasors 5: 1-10
2-2 T 18 Average power, RMS voltage 5: 43-49
2-3 F 21 AC circuit elements, impedance 5: 17-23
3-1 M 24

Kirchhoff's laws

1: 27-37
3-2 T 25

Writing circuit equations

2: 1-9
5: 23-28
3-3 F 28 Writing circuit equations 2: 1-9
5: 23-28
4-1 M 31 Source transformations 2: 9-20
5: 30-31
4-2 T Apr 1 Series and parallel elements, voltage and current dividers 2: 20-37
5: 28-33
4-3 F 4

Exam 1

5-1 M 7 Power in AC circuits 5: 49-65
5-2 T 8

Complex power

5: 49-65
5-L W 9 Lab 1: Basic DC and AC Measurements  


5-3 F 11 Amplifier models 3: 1-23
6-1 M 14 Amplifier loading and gain 3: 1-23
6-2 T 15

Ideal op amp model, writing equations for op amp circuits

3: 23-31
6-3 F 18 Inverting amplifier 3: 23-31
7-1 M 28 Non-inverting amplifier, buffer 3: 31-40
7-2 T 29 Op amp models, saturation 3: 40-46

Transient Analysis

7-3 F May 2 Transient analysis, initial conditions 4: 1-9
8-1 M 5 First-order circuits 4: 9-34
8-2 T 6 Time constant, interpreting the response 4: 9-34
8-L W 7 Lab 2: Measurements of an Op Amp Circuit  
8-3 F May 9

Exam 2

9-1 M 12

Second-order circuits

4: 34-51
9-2 T 13

Response types

4: 34-51
9-3 F 16 Interpreting the response 4: 51-54
9-L F 16 Lab 3: Measurements of Time-Domain Properties  

Resonant Circuits

10-1 M 19 Response to sinusoidal input 4: 54-57
5: 10-17
10-2 T 20 Resonance 5: 33-43
10-3 F 23 Series and parallel resonant circuits 5: 33-43

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 ES203: Electrical Systems (S 2002-03)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

For questions or comments regarding this web contact Ed.Doering@Rose-Hulman.Edu.
Last updated: 03/07/03.