Homework 1

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You need to select a vendor for your next CBIC (cell-based integrated circuit) project. Your research yields the following information:

Cost Type Vendor A Vendor B Vendor C Vendor D
CAD tools, training, circuit development, prototype fabrication $500K $250K $350K $200K
Unit part cost in production $12 $15 $8 $9
  1. Which vendor would you select in order to minimize total costs if you expect the volume to be 100K parts per year for two years? NOTE: "K" = "1000" in this context, not "1024."
  2. Which vendor would you select in order to minimize total costs if you expect the volume to be 20K parts per year for three years?
  3. Which vendor would you select to be a secondary supplier, i.e., what is the next-best vendor, in order to minimize total costs if you expect the volume to be 1000K parts per year for two years?
  4. Plot the total cost of parts as a function of number of parts (or volume). Identify the break-even volume for each of the possible pair-wise vendor comparisons (e.g., Vendor A compared to Vendor B, Vendor A compared to Vendor C, and so on). Refer to the graph in Figure 1.11 in your textbook for an example.

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 ECE533: Programmable Logic Systems Design (S 2004-05)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.