Lab 2

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Image Acquisition Systems

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The Imaging Systems Lab offers two means two acquire an image from external sources: page scanner, and video camera. Both techniques will be used acquire image data to serve as a basis for evaluating the two systems.


bulletLearn how to acquire a video camera image
bulletLearn how to acquire a scanner image
bulletEvaluate and compare the performance of the two systems


One-page memo (one page of text maximum, plus additional attachments as needed). Be sure to report the following:

bulletThe evaluation criteria that your developed
bulletYour evaluation results
bulletYour preferred image acquisition system, and why you prefer it

The memo will be due at the next lab period.

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  1. Choose subject matter for both the scanner and the video camera that would be useful to evaluate the performance of each acquisition system.
  2. Determine a set of criteria to evaluate the image acquisition techniques based on the image data you collect. You should use the same image dimensions for all image data that you collect; 640 pixels horizontal and 480 pixels vertical is recommended. Be as quantitative as you can. For example, you may wish to consider such measures as gray level dynamic range, image noise, signal-to-noise ratio, background uniformity (if appropriate), and degree of edge blurring.
  3. Collect your images (see page scanner instructions and video camera instructions below) and make your evaluation.

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Video Camera Images

What to do: How to do it:
Use either image-1 or image-3 SGI workstation  
Start "Media Recorder"
bulletOpen Unix shell
bulletEnter "mediarecorder &" (the ampersand runs the application in the background so that you can get a new prompt)
Set the output image format to SGI RGB (this is the default image format)

NOTE: Selecting TIFF format here will generate a TIFF file that is not compatible with MATLAB's TIFF reader
bulletSelect pull-down menu "Tasks -> Image -> Custom Settings"
bulletSelect "SGI RGB" format
Select the desired input video source (choose either S-video source or composite video source)
bulletSingle-click the "face" icon in the lower left corner of the Media Recorder
bulletSelect "Image from Connected Source:
bulletSelect "S-video" or "Composite"
Record the image Clock the red "record" button. Note how a new file name appears in the list at the upper right. The image has been saved to disk at this point. You can edit the image name by single-clicking on the filename.
Start "Media Convert" application
bulletRight-clock the image file
bulletSelect "Launch Media Convert"
Save image in TIFF format
bulletSelect output media as "Image File(s)"
bulletSelect TIFF file format
bulletAdjust the output file anem as needed
bulletClick "Start" to perform conversion
Exit the application when finished Select "File -> Exit"

Page Scanner Images

What to do: How to do it:
Use any SGI workstation  
Start the page scanner application
bulletOpen a Unix shell
bulletEnter 'gscan'
Set the correct scanner type Select "HP ScanJet II" scanner profile
Set the desired image type (grayscale, binary, or color)
bulletSelect pull-down menu "Parameters"
bulletSelect "Grey" (or other format appropriate to your needs)
Set up the application to display scan area in pixels
bulletSelect pull-down menu "Parameters"
bulletSelect "Scan Area"
bulletCheck the "pixels" checkbox
Ready your source material Place the source material face down on the scanner, with the top of the page farthest from your (look for the green page cornet symbol that indicates upper left side of the page)
Preview the source material Press the "Prescan All" button
Set the desired "area of interest", or AOI
bulletUse the mouse to adjust the size and position of the red rectangular box
bulletWatch the indicators in the upper right to achieve the desired resolution and image size in both the X and Y directions
bulletNote that the total file size is also calculated as you adjust the box.
Setup the application to capture the image to a file Select the "Scan to file" mode
Capture the image
bulletPress the "Scan Image" button
bulletSelect TIFF as the filetype
bulletPress "OK"
Exit the application when you have created all your images
bulletSelect "Setup"
bulletSelect "Quit"

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 ECE480/PH437: Introduction to Image Processing (W 2001-02)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.