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Course Information

My Expectations

This course will increase your technical knowledge and skills, and will also provide you opportunities to practice the profession of engineering:


I expect professionalism in your conduct, both in the classroom and in the lab


I expect professionalism in your written work -- strive for neat and orderly presentation of your work

Content of Self-Selected Imagery

Images should be selected to serve a specific technical purpose.  For example, if you wish to demonstrate how well a particular edge detection scheme works, it would make sense to choose an image that has both strong and weak edge information. 

Since the imagery you select serves a technical function, choose images that have neutral content, i.e., the subject matter should not draw undue attention to itself in a non-technical manner. Here are two rules of thumb to help make your decision:


Rule of Thumb #1: Choose images for class-related work in the same way you would choose images if you were making a job-related presentation in a professional setting. Avoid imagery that could be considered offensive (sexist, racist, violent, etc.).


Rule of Thumb #2: If you are in doubt as to whether the imagery is questionable, it probably is, so don’t use it. 

Use of inappropriate imagery as judged by the instructor during any part of course activities will result in reduced (as low as zero) credit for the work in question.

NOTE: An image database is available for your use.

RHIT Honor Code As Applied to ECE480/PH437

bulletWork that you submit for individual grading is entirely your own effort
bulletWork that you submit for group grading is the result of equally shared effort
bulletPlagiarized work will result in a minimum penalty of zero credit for the work in question, and may result in a maximum penalty of a failing course grade

Grade Components

Exam 1 15 %
Exam 2 15 %
Final Exam 20 %
Term project 20 %
Oral project presentation 10 %
Lab projects, HW 20 %


bulletLetter grades are determined from course score according to a straight percentage (A:90%, B+:85%, B:80%, C+:75%, C:70%, D+:65%, D:60%)



No aids of any sort may be used. Bring only a pen and a calculator.


Final exam is comprehensive.

bulletPlease make every effort to be present during the scheduled exam time. Talk with me before an exam if you have a conflict so that suitable arrangements can be made. Unexcused absence from an exam will result in zero credit.


bulletHomework will be assigned periodically.
bulletHomework is an individual effort (individual grade)
bulletLate work is subject to a 20% per day late penalty.



Work with the same partner throughout the quarter.


Labs are a group effort (group grade)


Late work is subject to a 20% per day late penalty.


bulletThe term project will be a multi-week effort on an approved topic of your choice
bulletThe project will be implemented as a web-based presentation
bulletYou will make an oral presentation of your project during 10th week



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 ECE480/PH437: Introduction to Image Processing (W 2001-02)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

For questions or comments regarding this web contact:
Last updated: 03/10/05.