Homework Set 4

horizontal rule

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Course Information

Due Date: Thursday, January 31

For each problem, be sure to append Matlab code and image hardcopy.

General tip: See the recent in-class Matlab examples for useful techniques.

Problem 1

Create a mesh plot and an image display of the magnitude frequency response of the following convolution filters (use a 64x64 grid for the zero-padded image; display the zero frequency in the center of the image):

bullet3x3 lowpass, equal weight coefficients
bullet9x9 lowpass, equal weight coefficients
bullet15x15 lowpass, equal weight coefficients
bullet3x3 highpass
bullet3x3 Laplacian

Discuss your findings, i.e., try to relate the known behavior of the convolution filter to the frequency response you observe.

Problem 2

Perform frequency-domain filtering on the "cameraman" image by applying the following filters:

bulletIdeal lowpass filter
bulletIdeal highpass filter
bulletIdeal bandpass filter

Report the specific values you use for cutoff frequency (or bandwidth and center frequency of the bandpass filter).

Display the output images, and also display the filters as either a mesh plot or as an image.

horizontal rule

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 ECE480/PH437: Introduction to Image Processing (W 2001-02)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.