Homework Set 2

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Due Date: Thursday, December 6

Problem 1

Calculate the total number of images that can be represented by the formats below. Report your result as both an integer and as a three-significant-digits value in scientific notation.

  1. An 8x8 binary image
  2. An 8x8 image, 4 bits per pixel
  3. A 128x128 binary image

Suppose you could look at each of the possible images in Part 3, devoting one second to each (the idea here is that, in principle, you would eventually see readable fragments of important top-secret documents or other elusive black-and-white documents). How long would you need to wait to review all of these images? Put your result in a useful format (days, weeks, etc.).

Even if time is not an obstacle, is the method a feasible way view secret documents? Explain.

Problem 2

  1. Determine the image type (binary, graylevel, indexed color, or true color) and image dimensions of the 'shut1.png' image in the ECE480/PH437 Image Database.
  2. Convert the image to 8-bit graylevel format.
  3. Determine the noise standard deviation (RMS noise) of the image. Include image hardcopy that shows the portion of the image that you used to measure the noise.
  4. What is the total gray level dynamic range of this image?

Problem 3

LANDSAT images are a type of "multispectral" image. Do some independent research to answer the following questions:

  1. What does the acronym "LANDSAT" mean?
  2. What does "multispectral" mean?
  3. Why is a multispectral image useful for Earth imaging applications?
  4. Describe two applications for LANDSAT images.

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 ECE480/PH437: Introduction to Image Processing (W 2001-02)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.