Homework Set 1

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Course Information

Due Date: Thursday, November 29

Problem 1

I have some image archive sites and image search tools listed on my general resources page (look near the bottom). Find three additional image archives on the web that you think would be useful later in the course. Report the following for each archive that you find:

bulletURL (web address)
bulletBrief description of the site
bulletRating of the site

State and describe the evaluation criteria ("criteria" is plural!) you developed as the basis for your ratings.

Problem 2

Gonzalez & Woods Problem 2.1

Problem 3

Review the discussion in your text regarding an experimental technique to measure brightness sensitivity of the human eye. Use the MATLAB function sens.m to perform your own experiment (once you have installed sens.m in your MATLAB path, do "helpwin sens" to learn how to use the function. Make a plot of your personal "Weber ratio".

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 ECE480/PH437: Introduction to Image Processing (W 2001-02)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.