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Step 1: Save waveforms to .OUT file

The PSpice simulator routinely generates a text output report file with the .OUT extension. The extension is attached to your schematic file basename.

Attach the VPRINT1 device to the node or nodes of interest in order to save a voltage waveform (use IPRINT to save a current waveform). Numerical values from a transient analysis will be saved in the .OUT file. Enter a value in  the "Print step" field of analysis setup ("Analysis | Setup | Transient") to control how many points are to be saved. 

Step 2: Extract waveform data to a temporary file

Automated conversion to a .CSV file is not straightforward, but it is not difficult with a little manual intervention. The PSpice .OUT file is a text file, but it includes a great deal of clutter before you reach the time/voltage data. Open the file using Notepad or WordPad, then copy/paste the waveform data (usually located near the end of the file) to a temporary text file (use .TXT extension).

Step 3: Read waveform data into Excel

Excel can easily parse the .TXT file into multiple columns of data. Do "File | Open" and select your .TXT file. Excel will then launch a file conversion wizard. Accept the defaults on everything, but add "space" to the list of delimiters on the second screen.

Once your waveform has been imported into Excel, continue by following the instructions for Excel.

Example files

pspice_csv.sch (PSpice schematic file)
pspice_csv.out (PSpice output file produced after running simulation)
vin.txt, vout.txt (Temporary text files of of input/output waveforms extracted from .OUT file)


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Terre Haute, IN 47803-3999

Page last updated 06/08/01