Introducing TortoiseSVN by Writing Poetry as a Team
Goal: To get practice checking out repositories, updating and committing work done. Each team will write a short poem, one line at a time. Each student will get the latest version in progress ("update"), add a line, and save the updated version for others to see ("commit"). you replace YOUR_TEAM_NAME by the name of your team.
while Beta should name her file MorePoetry.txt
while Delta should add her line to file MorePoetry.txt
Here are some resources that you can refer to while doing this assignment. you replace YOUR_TEAM_NAME by the name of your team.
This just tells TortoiseSVN that you want these files placed under version control. (You can have files in your working copy that are not under version control, if you wish.)
A dialog box will tell you which files have been changed since you last updated your copy.
The update copies the changed files from the repository on the server to your working copy on your laptop, unless there are conflicts.
A dialog box will tell you which files were committed.
See this document. This is just a reference for later.