Resolving Subversion Conflicts


Subversion is quite good about merging changes when two team members simultaneously edit a file. But occassionally two team members will edit the same section of the same file. Subversion isn’t “smart” enough to decide which person wrote the best code (or text, or whatever). Rather than throw out one of the changes, Subversion will report a conflict and store enough information in your working directory to allow you to resolve the problem in one of several ways.

This document describes what Subversion does when it detects a conflict and gives four different strategies for resolving the conflict.

How Conflicts Happen

Suppose Sally and Joe are teammates and they are both working independently on their tasks from their last team meeting. Sally and Joe both update their working copy of the team project. Sally adds a new method to a class. At the same time Joe updates the javadoc comment for a different method in the same class.

Now suppose Joe finishes his task first and commits his changes to the repository. Now the base version that Sally is working with doesn’t include Joe’s changes. When Sally finishes her task and attempts to commit her changes, she’ll receive an error message that her version is probably out-of-date. Sally then will do a Subversion update on the file to get Joe’s changes.

In our example, Sally’s and Joe’s changes are independent, so Subversion will merge Joe’s changes with Sally’s. Now the file in Sally’s working directory contains both of their changes. Sally can commit her version to the repository. If Joe does a Subversion update, now he’ll also have his changes and Sally’s.

But suppose Sally and Joe both edited the same method. When Sally first tried to commit her changes she would receive the probably out-of-date error message. When she then ran a Subversion update, Subversion would be unable to merge the changes, since it wouldn't know whose change was the “correct” one. In this case, Subversion would report that one or more files are in a conflicted state. In this case, Subversion will place four files in the directory where the conflicted file was. Suppose the conflicted file was called The four files would be:

  1. – this file would include Joe’s changes and Sally’s changes. For each place where they both made changes Subversion will insert text like <<<<<<< .mine, followed by Sally’s changes, followed by the text =======, followed by the changes that Joe committed to the repository, followed by >>>>>>> .r123.
  2. – this file would include just Sally’s changes
  3., where N is some number – this file would be the version that Sally started with, without her or Joe’s changes
  4., where M is some number greater than N – this file would include just Joe’s changes

Sally would change to incorporate the changes in whatever way seems best. This might involve consultation with Joe to see what he thinks or to clarify what changes he made and why. Sally could edit directly to combine the marked changes and delete the <<<<<<< .mine, =======, and >>>>>>> .r123 markers. Sally and Joe might agree that they were both trying to make the same changes and that Sally’s version is better. In that cases, Sally could copy over the top of, throwing out Joe’s changes. On the other hand, if they agree to just use Joe’s version, Sally could copy over the top of Finally, if they decided to throw out all the changes, Sally could copy over the top of

After resolving the conflicted files using the above techniques, Sally must right-click on and tell Subversion that the conflict is resolved. Subversion will delete the extra files that it created when the conflict was detected. Finally, Sally must commit the file to the repository so that Joe and her other teammates can get the current version.

Resolving Conflicts

  1. When you try to commit a file and Subversion reports that the file is probably out-of-date, the first step is to do a Subversion update on that file.
  2. After updating, there are two possibilities. If Subversion does not report an error, then commit your merged files. Otherwise continue to the next step.
  3. If Subversion reported a conflict, then there should be four different files in the directory where the conflicted file was. See the previous section for a description of these four files.
  4. Change the conflicted file to either combine the changes, to select one set of changes or the other, or to throw out all changes. This process is described in the previous section. Be sure to consult with your teammates if necessary!
  5. Right-click on the conflicted file and choose Resolved from the TortoiseSVN menu (or the Team menu in Eclipse). Note: This does not actually fix the conflict. You must do that manually. Marking the file as Resolved just tells Subversion to clean up after itself by deleting the extra files.
  6. Finally, commit to file to the repository.