CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Homework 1


Begin to become familiar with Eclipse and Subclipse for Java programming.


  1. Configuring Eclipse for Java: Hopefully you completed the following before or in class, but if not:

    Follow this link to instructions for updating Eclipse and Java.

    Install whatever is needed. If you have trouble doing so, please seek help right away. You can visit the CSSE Lab, Moench F-217, any Sunday-Thursday evening, and look for the CSSE 220 Assistant, or stop by my office.
  2. Programming: Solve the problem in HW1.java (there are 2 TODOs there) and commit your code.
  3. Read these General Instructions for Grading Programs. The TAs and I will use these guidelines when grading your programming assignments. Go back and confirm that your programming work above follows the guidelines.
  4. Checkout the TwelveProblems project from your repo and take a look at the problems there. All of these problems are due on next Monday. You should already be able to solve the first two problems...give it a try. These won't be submitted till next Monday, but if you have trouble plan to get some help.

Remember, in all your code:

Here is the grading rubric for this assignment.

Turn-in Instructions

Turn-in your programming work by committing it to your SVN repository.