Session Details
Week 1,
Session 1 — Mon Nov 26
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Skim materials available on ANGEL
Install if not already installed: Java, Eclipse, Subclipse
Configure Eclipse for Java
HW Due
Nothing due today. See top of page for times that parts of the daily assignments are normally due.
Lab assistant schedule (F-217)
Brief course introduction
Getting started with Java (printing, defining and calling static methods, declaring variables, looping, the summing loop pattern)
Eclipse and Subclipse (running a program, checking out and committing a project)
Javadoc comments
Python vs. Java features
[30 min] Roll Call, Tour of online materials, a few words about the course. Hand out daily quiz
[10 min] Configure Eclipse
[10 min] Version control review
[5 min] Break
[15 min] Checkout and run first Java program. HelloPrinter exercise in HW1 project.
[15 min] Basic Java classes (Factorial example): printing, defining and calling static methods, declaring variables, looping, the summing loop pattern. Factorial exercise in HW1 project.
[5 min] Javadoc comments, program style.
[15 min] Finish daily quiz, begin homework (finish Factorial and begin SeriesSum in HW1 project).
HW Assigned
HW 1