Begin to become familiar with Eclipse and Subclipse for Java programming.
Follow this link to instructions for updating Eclipse and Java.
Install whatever is needed. If you have trouble doing so, please seek help right away. You can visit the CSSE Lab, Moench F-217, any Sunday-Thursday evening, and look for the CSSE 220 Assistant, or stop by my office.Open the Eclipse application.
Choose Window → Show View → Other ... → SVN → SVN Repositories
to create a tab (at the bottom of the Eclipse workbench) for the SVN Repositories view.
New → Repository Location
to add the following repository:
where username is your Rose-Hulman username.
You may need to enter your SVN (not Kerberos) password if Eclipse hasn't already cached it. Let me know if you need me to reset your SVN password.
Your programming work for this assignment must be done in the HW1
project in Eclipse. Use the SVN Repositories
view to Checkout this project.
to the repository. Remember, in all your code:
Here is the grading rubric for this assignment.
We will grade your Big Java assessment (i.e. quiz on the reading) using ANGEL. Turn-in your programming work by committing it to your SVN repository.