CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Homework 16

  1. By WEDNESDAY, April 22, at 2 p.m., form a team for your upcoming team projects. One member of the team, email me the names of your team members. Carbon-copy your teammates on the email, as a form of confirming that you are all in agreement.
  2. Work on your SwingDemo project, as follows:

    1. If in class you did not complete Stage 7 (making the first button toggle the background color from red to green): Complete the project through Stage 6 and work on Stage 7.

      • If you get stuck on Stage 7, STOP and bring your questions to class.
      • Or work on this project in the CSSE lab (F-217) during lab hours, when student assistants are there to help you!
    2. If you completed Stage 7 in class or outside class: Continue working on the project; you may find it practical to complete it.

      • A great time and place to work on this project is in the CSSE lab (F-217) during lab hours, when student assistants are there to help you!
      • Don't get stuck in SwingDemo — bring your questions to the lab assistants or to class!

    This project is due Friday, April 24. We will devote about 20 minutes (which is time enough to complete Stage 7) to work on it in Thursday's class.