CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Homework 0

Do this homework BEFORE your first class session if possible.

  1. Install the latest (update 12) version of Java by following these instructions for installing Java version 6 update 12.
  2. Create a new folder for your Java projects.
  3. If you do NOT have a folder for Eclipse (probably C:\Program Files\eclipse):
    1. Unzip this version of Eclipse to C:\Program Files\eclipse.
      • This file is big (about 125 MB) so it will take a while to download.
    2. Make a link to C:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse.exe and put the link wherever you find helpful (e.g. your Desktop, Start Menu, and/or Quick Launch bar)
  4. Open Eclipse. If necessary, press the rightmost “ribbon” button to go to the Workbench.
  5. Change your Workspace to the folder you created for your Java Projects, as follows:
    1. Select   File   ~   Switch Workspace   ~   Other  
    2. Press the Browse button and browse to the folder you created in Step 2 for your Java projects.
    3. Press OK. Eclipse will exit and restart itself.
  6. Update your Eclipse preferences for the latest (update 12) version of Java as follows:
    1. Download this zipped file of Eclipse preferences.
    2. Extract the single EclipsePreferencesForJava1.6.0_12.epf file to a place of your choosing. (You may delete the file after completing the rest of these instructions.)
    3. In Eclipse, select   File   ~   Import  
    4. In the Import dialog box, select   General   ~   Preferences   and click Next
    5. Browse for the preferences file, EclipsePreferencesForJava1.6.0_12.epf, that you downloaded above. Make sure the Import All radio button is selected, then click Finish.
  7. Update Eclipse and all its associated software as follows:
    1. In Eclipse, select   Help   ~   Software Updates  
    2. Select the   Installed Software   tab (NOT the Available Software tab)
    3. Select all the items and then press the   Update     button
    4. Proceed through the dialogs that appear in the usual way.
      • If any updates fail, simply try again but without selecting the item that failed to update.
      • This step took me about 15 minutes.