Markov Program Turnin Instructions

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Turning in your program and testing it.

One of most important parts of programming is the development of a robust set of tests, preferably before writing the code. We have attempted to set up a test framework that you can use. It should catch the most glaring errors that your program may have. You may want to write some test files of your own in order to make sure that your program is tested thoroughly; we reserve the right to run the same script with different input files.

Using MultiSet

Our provided Eclipse template includes the MultiSet bytecode. You should just be able to use it as you would any library class. You should not have a file in your project.

Running the Tests

To run our tests, simply right click the Markov project in the Eclipse Project Explorer view and choose Run As → JUnit Test. After you have done this once, Markov will appear in Run toolbar button.

If you wish to include your own tests as part of the JUnit test suite, you can add entries to the TEST_PARAMETERS array in the file But you must not remove any of our entries from that array.

Submitting Your Solution

We will grade the code that is in your subversion repository. So, to submit your solution, simply commit it to SVN. Please refrain from committing changes after the due date. If we see commits after the due date, we will assume that you wish to take a late day on the assignment.