Session Details

Week 10, Session 28 — Mon Feb 11


  1. Articles on Serialization:
  2. Chapter 13 intro and Section 13.1 of Learning Java, 3rd Edition, available through Safari Books Online. See the syllabus for instructions for how to find the Safari books.

HW Due

  1. HW 27
  2.   Be ready to demo the state of your spell-checker so far.


  1. More on non-text I/O
  2. Networking
  3. Project work


  1. Slides
  2. Binary_vs_Text_Files
  3. Random access file I/O
  4. Object I/O (Serialization)


  1. [NNN min] TBD

HW Assigned

  1. Continue project work
  2. Outline of your presentation due by 5:00 PM
    (Commit it to your repository)