Session Details

Week 5, Session 13 — Mon Jan 7


  1. 4.8-4.9
  2. 5.6-5.8

HW Due

  1. HW 11
  2. The Ballworlds and Minesweeper parts were due before the break.


  1. Threads and Animation
  2. Asymptotic Analysis, Big-oh and its cousins
  3. Limits and Asymptotic Analysis
  4. Work on Minesweeper


  1. Slides
  2. Example Threads programs are in your individual SVN repository


  1. [10 min] Return exams, announcements
  2. [10 min] Multithreaded programs and Greetings Example
  3. [10 min] Ball animation example.
  4. [15 min] CounterThreads
  5. [5 min] Break
  6. [15 min] Algorithm analysis and asymptotics
  7. [35 min] Work on Minesweeper

HW Assigned

  1. HW 13
  2. Note the new "cheat" requirement for Minesweeper; details on discussion forum.