Session Details

Week 4, Session 11 — Tue Dec 18


  1. 5.1-5.2
  2. 5.4, 5.5
  3. An article on pair programming: Pair_programming

HW Due

  1. HW 10 except BallWorlds, but I strongly suggest that you get everything but through Shrinker done before this session


  1. Generics via Polymorphism, wrappers, auto-boxing
  2. Generics via parameterized types
  3. intro to algorithm analysis.


  1. Slides
  2. Minesweeper specification


  1. [5 min] Return quizzes, announcements, respond to student questions.
  2. [15 min] Generics via Polymorphism and parameterized types.
  3. [25 min] Algorithm analysis, what to measure, how to measure, use of currentTimeMillisec(), application to Sieve, overview of asymptotic analysis, informal look at big-Oh.
  4. [5 min] break
  5. [10 min] Some instructor thoughts on Minesweeper
  6. [40 min] Paertners plan fo mineSweeper, create UML diagrams.

HW Assigned

  1. HW 11