CSSE 220 -- Object-oriented Software Development

Homework 10 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 11. (BallWorlds program due Friday at 5:00 PM)

  1. Complete the assigned reading for the next session (see the course schedule). If there is something you do not understand, make note of it so you can ask about it.
  2. Continue to look at the Key Concepts chapters 1-4.  This is a good place to quickly notice things you might have missed from the chapters. At some point we will have a "Key concepts quiz" over chapters 1-4.  It will be on Day 14.
  3. Complete the BallWorlds program by 5:00 PM on Friday of Week 4. (there may be another assignment due at the same time.  I am delaying the due date for this one because I want to give you maximum flexibility in your schedule this week when you probably have several tests).   I strongly suggest that you get all of the parts of BallWorlds up to and including the  Shrinker class done before the Day 11 session.
  4. Commit BallWorlds to your repository.
  5. Catch up on reading and anything else that you are behind on before Thursday's exam.
  6. Play Minesweeper on your Windows computer if you have not done so for a while.
  7. Begin thinking about classes that you might need in order to implement Minesweeper.  You and your partner will construct a UML Class diagram in the Day 11 class.