Session Details

Week 1, Session 1 — Mon Mar 4


  1. Read the Syllabus
  2. Email your instructor if you forgot your SVN password (different from your normal Rose-Hulman network password or if you want your SVN password set to a particular value)
  3. Bookmark this schedule page in your browser.



  1. Course introduction
  2. Personal introductions
  3. Choose in-class "lab partners"
  4. How simple web pages work.
  5. HTML introduction


  1. [20 min] Roll Call, Introductions
  2. [10 minutes] In-class Partners
  3. [20 min] Getting started, finding course material on the web, schedule
  4. [5 min] Break
  5. [10 min] Web Intro
  6. [20 min] HTML intro


  1. Today's Slides
  2. Course materials on the web.
  3. Claude's schedule
  4. Page containing links from the ends of all WSB chapters.