ES204 Mechanical Systems RHIT Homepage ME Dept Homepage ME Course Listing Homepage
ES204 Labs

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Assignments are noted on the ES204 calendar. Labs employ Matlab, Simulink and Maple and as such your laptop is a key component of the lab experience.

Lab Topic Content
L-01 Introduction to Numerical Simulation using Simulink and MATLAB Handout (pdf)
Rubric (pdf)

L-02 Numerical Simulation of a Swinging Pendulum Handout (pdf)
Worksheet (pdf)
Rubric (pdf)

L-03 Swinging pendulum experiment in the controls lab -
Use the precisely instrumented hardware in the Controls lab to measure the precise time of swing for a small scale pendulum with moveable weight. See how well your experimental result matches the simulation results from Lab 02 and the theoretical results found in homework set 5. It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!  The Excel spreadsheet for recording your data can be downloaded by clicking on the link to the right.
Handout (pdf)
Worksheet (pdf)
Rubric (pdf)
Data Sheet (xlsx)
L-04 Numerical Simulation of a Crane Prelab (zip)
Handout (pdf)
Worksheet (pdf)

L-05 Crane Experiment -
Using the Controls lab hardware, determine where to place the moveable weight such that swing is minimized when the overhead crane comes to a stop. See how well your Simulink prediction and the analytical solution match the actual performance of the hardware.
Handout (pdf)
Worksheet (pdf)
Data Sheet (xlsx)
Rubric (pdf)

Prof. Burchett
Last modified: 14 Feb 12