I designed and made this door from quarter-sawn white oak. The more I worked on the door, the lighter it got. When I first carried the lumber from my car to my shop, I realized that the sum of the parts would be too heavy to handle, once assembled. The lumber started with a thickness of 1 3/4 inches, I milled it down to 1 5/8 inches. After rough assembly, I further milled it down to 1 3/8 inches. It is still pretty heavy. I purchased ball-bearing hinges. Additionaly, I aligned the door in the frame so that I could screw the hinges all the way into the studs in an effort to avoid sag. I used pegged through tennons. The door itself should not deform.Notice the functioning door knocker. Realizing that some people may not know about door knockers, I additionally installed a camera based doorbell.
The door is finished in Epifanes Matte Wood finish