The 150MM challange was issued by Ambrose Burne of the Hereford College of Arts, Hereford, UK, as an exercise in imagination in 2017. He gave his students a piece of steel, measuring 150mm x 20mm x 20mm and asked them to make something with it. I started with a 6" by 3/4" square piece:I began by rounding the piece and upsetting one side, on purpose while not minding that the other side was somewhat upset too. The length of the upset piece was now 5":
Next, I drilled a small 1/4" hole on the upset side:
Then, I opened up the hole on a cone shaped hardy tool and the horn of the anvil:
Next, I drille a 1/4" pilot hole on the other side of the piece:
Here too, I opened up the hole, as before, but not as large. I continued to open up what will be the bottom of the candle holder and I made some adjustments to the shape of the holder, to ensure it stands firmly on the ground. I drilled the hole for the candle with a 9/16 drill bit so the candle fits neatly into the candle holder. Some brushing to remove the scale and some semi-gloss clear coat and the candle holder was done.
It was not eactly what I imagined he holder to be, but, I am actually happy with the way it turned out and prefer it over my original design ideas.