How To Cybersecurity

I want to learn it but don't know where to start.... help!


Places to learn (outside Rose)

Cybersecurity learning and practice, treats cybersecurity as a martial art. Videos and challenges.

Practice your skills

Free cybersecurity learning and practice -- great for entry-level learning
A place to try hacking things and practice your offensive security skills (more advanced)
Try Hack Me
Web site for learning and practicing hacking skills.

Cybersecurity Classes at Rose

CSSE 140 and 141: Practical Security I and II
Once-a-week class led by the computer security club to learn and practice basic exploit and hardening techniques on linux systems. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY for CSSE 140!
CSSE 340: Foundations of Cybersecurity (Catalog entry)
This course focuses on ethical, theoretical, and practical issues of information security in interconnected systems of computers, and students apply them in hands-on exercises and through self-directed exploration.
CSSE 343: Cybercrime and Digital Forensics (Catalog entry)
This course introduces students to "cybercrime," how police investigate these crimes, and what forensics techs use to uncover digital evidence. Students examine the laws, technologies, tools, and procedures used in the investigation and prosecution of computer crimes.
CSSE 479: Cryptography (Catalog entry)
Introduction to basic ideas of modern cryptography with emphasis on mathematical background and practical implementation.
CSSE 482: Applied Modern Cryptography (Catalog entry)
A second course in cryptography following on from CSSE479.

Resources (books, videos, etc)

Prof. Ross Anderson's "Security Engineering" book
Incredible tome of security knowledge. Some of his 3rd edition is available online, all of the 2nd edition is available.
OWASP Best Practices (old-ish)
OWASP is the "Open Web Application Security Project", a consortium of security leaders and their projects. This document is a ~2010 set of "how to write secure web applications".
SNYK's best practices advice
SNYK offers a "developer security platform" to aid in secure development, but also offer best practices to ensure the best results.
Azeria's ARM reference
This guide is also great for learning skills for embedded reverse engineering.
Cyber Tap Podcast
A podcast run by Purdue University's Technical Assistance Program. Lots of good discussions about high-level cybersecurity events.