Students who wish to learn how cybersecurity may apply to their major program of study can minor in Cybersecurity. This minor exposes students to the fundamental of securing computer and information systems, risk, ethics, technical controls, and adversarial thinking.
These are required to pursue the minor. Luckily, many of them may already be
required by degree program and will not need to be re-taken.
- CSSE 220 (requires CSSE 120* or exempt) is required for baseline "computing" knowledge.
- MA276 Introduction to Proofs (requires MA112 + MA111 or exempt) is required
for students who chose to use MA479 (Cryptography) for part of this minor.
- RH330 Technical & Professional Communications
* Degrees requiring a programming class might allow the use of CSSE 120 as a substitute for the named course. Consult the major program’s advisor for
CATEGORY A – [4 cr] Ethics:
CATEGORY B – [12 cr] Core (take all of these):
- (2cr) CSSE 140
and CSSE 141
- One of:
- (2cr) CSSE 142 Practical Security III
- (2cr) CSSE 145 Cybersecurity Seminar
- One of:
- One of:
CATEGORY C – [choose 8 cr] additional Cyber Electives:
A maximum 4cr in this category may be from classes numbered below 300. Pick 8 cr from the following list:
Students pursuing this minor will be exposed to at least 20cr of cybersecurity content (Category B and C).
Note: At most 8 credits of the Core/Cyber Elective course work (categories B
and C above) can be used to satisfy degree requirements for any major or any
other minor sought by the student. The remaining credit hours can only be used
to satisfy technical or free electives within the primary major.
Last updated: Wednesday, 19-Feb-2025 12:24:27 EST