Sid's Face with the matrix on it

Sid Stamm

Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering

stammsl (at) rose-hulman (dot) edu
Office: Moench D207
Phone: (812) 877-8364

research | classes | cybersecurity | schedule


Schedule (Spring 2024-2025)

Can't find me? Try an office hour (green) or send me an email!

Cybersecurity at Rose

>> How to learn Cybersecurity at Rose <<

>> MINOR in Cybersecurity. <<


Seminars and Lectures:

> RHIT Cybersecurity Seminar *UPCOMING AND PAST EVENTS* <
IU Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research Speaker Series
Purdue CERIAS Security Seminar


I study socio-technical security and privacy: the use of technology to leverage social expectations to defraud, deceive, manipulate, infer, or steal data from people -- and ways to limit this abuse.

Web Tracking: Most web sites rely on third parties (other web sites) to give them functionality or display advertisements. Usually these relationships are invisible and can lead to an organization you've never heard of learning enough about you to make you uncomfortable. This privacy perception gap shouldn't exist, and you should be in control of how your information is monetized. Can we put you back in control?

Wireless Signal Privacy: you probably carry a smartphone in your pocket, and possibly a fitbit, smart watch, key locator tag or other devices that emit wireless signals. These signals can be used to track you across time and space. Can we protect your privacy?

Social Media Privacy: There's a disconnect between what social media platforms like Facebook do with your data and what you might think they do. In addition, these sites have unexpected impacts on how you live your life. Can we make social media work for you?

For more information, see my detailed research page.

Last updated: Friday, 07-Mar-2025 12:21:37 EST