Flyballs with tailwinds

Modified 4PM Friday, Frb 1,2002.

The magnitude of the drag force acting on the ball is FD = -k vw2.
The velocity relative to the ground is v = vx i + vy j, so the velocity relative to the wind is vw = ( vx - tailwind) i + vy j
The speed relative to the wind is then vw = sqrt( ( vx - tailwind)2 + vy2 ).
The direction, relative to the wind is uw = [( vx - tailwind)/vw] i + [ vy/vw] j.
The force vector is parallel to vw, so FD = FD uw and
FD =-k vw2 { [( vx - tailwind)/vw] i + [ vy/vw] j }.
Therefore, FD = [-k ( vx - tailwind)vw] i + [-k vy vw] j.

Then the acceleration in the x-direction satisfies dvx / dt = [(-k/m) ( vx - tailwind) sqrt( ( vx - tailwind)2 + vy2 ) ]
The acceleration in the y-direction satisfies dvy / dt = -g - [(k/m) v sqrt( ( vx - tailwind)2 + vy2 ) ]

g = 32 ft/s/s, k/m = 32/1402, at sea level. (remember, that k/m will decrease at higher altitudes)

Thus, the Maple code will look something like
v0:= 180;
theta:= .9;
fly:= dsolve(
{ diff(x(t),t,t) = -32/140^2 * sqrt( (diff(x(t),t)-tailwind)^2 + diff(y(t),t)^2)* (diff(x(t),t)-tailwind) ,
diff(xyt),t,t) = -32 -32/140^2 * sqrt( (diff(x(t),t)-tailwind)^2 + diff(y(t),t)^2) * diff(y(t),t) ,
x(0)=0, y(0)=0, D(x)(0)=v0*cos(theta), D(y)(0)=v0*sin(theta) },
{x(t),y(t)}, numeric, output=listprocedure );
xt:= subs( fly, x(t)) ;
yt:= subs( fly, y(t));
vxt:= subs( fly, diff(x(t),t));
vyt:= subs( fly, diff(y(t),t));

You may modify the code in flyball2.mws to study these trajectories.