Thermal Design

RHIT ME Dept. Dr. Thom's Homepage
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Dr. Thom's

Catalog Description: (Prerequisities - ES202 and ME302) Applications of the thermodynamic, heat transfer, and fluid flow principles to the modeling and design of thermal systems. These systems include pumps, fans, and heat and mass exchangers. A project which includes designing, constructing and testing a heat exchanger provides the focus for the course.


Other Stuff



This quarter you have the unique opportunity to work as a novice designer for Thermal Gurus, Inc. Thermal Gurus, Inc. is a Terre Haute based engineering firm specializing in thermal/fluid systems. The firm provides both design and consulting services to local area as well as national clients.

As a novice designer, you will work in teams with other novice designers. You will be responsible for conducting yourself in a professional manner and complying with company policies.

Design Teams:

E-mail links are here.

Team Number Members
Team 1 Jeremy
Team 2 Daniel

"PM" indicates project manger.

Project I (The warm-up project) description:

Download PDF file

Project II (The big project) description:

Download PDF file

Here are some things to think about when designing a heat exchanger:

  • manufacturability,
  • size,
  • cost,
  • ease of maintenence,
  • longevity, and
  • performance predictability.
Of course, design groups are not limited to this list and are encouraged to to seek creative and unique designs.

Each group's design will be built by another design group and tested by yet another. The final heat exchanger chosen for Rose-Hulman will be based on the strength of the design group's argument that the heat exchanger is indeed optimum, as well as the actual performance of the heat exchanger.

Sid Gupta will send us a memo with an authoritative project description.

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Construction and Testing Assignments:

Your group You build this
group's HXR
You test this
group's HXR
Team 1 Team 2 Team 2
Team 2 Team 1 Team 1

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Company Policies:

As an employee of Thermal Gurus, you are expected to behave in a professional manner at all times. This does not imply that you need to be a stuffed shirt, however. The unofficial rule of conduct at Thermal Gurus is that one should take one's work seriously, but not oneself seriously.

Most official internal correspondence with Thermal Gurus will be in the form of memos and reports.

Each week design teams should submit a brief one page memo describing their team activity for that week. These should be submitted by Friday of each week.

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Memos, construction activities, testing activities and both the preliminary and the final design reports for the project will be evaluated by Dr. Thom and assigned grades based on their respective merit. (Details of the course grading scheme can be found on the Course Contract page.

Novice designers will perform team citizenship ratings to gage the degree to which individuals within their design team performed their respective responsibilities. Participation in this activity is required, and an individual's course grade may be lowered or raised based on the feedback gained through this evaluation. Evaluations are submitted in confidence to Dr. Thom.

This evaluation activity is available through the CATME website.