This organization shall henceforth be known as the Rose-Hulman Bowling Club (RHBC).
Article II - PreambleThe Rose-Hulman Bowling Club, in an effort to advocate the sport of bowling, does hereby establish this constitution. The goals of this organization shall be to encourage participation by the Rose-Hulman population in the sport of bowling; to promote a competitive environment; to provide a means for improvement; and to maintain integrity and respect between all participants.
Article III - GovernmentThe Rose-Hulman Bowling Club will have a total of three officers: a President, a Vice-President, and a Treasurer.
Section 2 - TermOfficers begin their service two weeks after the election date (outlined in Article VII, Section 1) up until such time that a successor takes office.
Section 3 - NominationAny active member (defined in Article IV, Section 2) of the Rose-Hulman Bowling Club is eligible for nomination provided they meet the requirements for general membership(outlined in Article IV, Section 2).
Section 4 - Presiding OfficersThe President of the organization will be the presiding officer at meetings (defined in Article VII, Section 2) and special functions (defined in Article VII, Section 3). If the President is unavailable, the order of succession shall be as follows: the Vice-President, and the Treasurer.
Section 5 - Succession of OfficersIn the event that an officer's position is left vacant, whether temporarily or permanently, the order of succession shall be as follows: Vice-President, and Treasurer. If the succeeding officer chooses to remain in their current office, a special election will be held to elect a member to the vacant office.
Clause 2 - Emergency AppointmentIf the succession of officers is insufficient to fill a vacant office, the presiding officer may appoint a member of good standing (outlined in Article IV, Section 1) to temporary duty until such time that a proper election may be held.
Clause 3 - Special ElectionsSpecial elections shall be held at the most convenient time available for the general membership of the organization. Any special election will follow the same protocols as the general officers election (outlined in Article VII, Section 1).
Section 6 - Duties of OfficersThe duties of the President are as follows:
The duties of the Vice-President are as follows:
The duties of the Treasurer are as follows:
In the event that an officer fails to perform any or all of his or her tasks to the satisfaction of the general membership, a petition for impeachment may be submitted to the presiding officer or the would-be successor if the presiding officer is under review. To be considered, the petition must contain the signatures of three-fourths of the active membership of the organization. Once obtained, the organization will hold a vote at first convenience to determine the outcome of the impeachment. If a three-fourths vote is obtained, the officer is removed from their office and resumes a normal membership.
Article IV - MembershipTo qualify for membership to the Rose-Hulman Bowling Club, a person must maintain the following requirements:
To qualify for nomination to an office in the Rose-Hulman Bowling Club, a person must maintain the following requirements:
An active member of the organization is defined as the following:
Any active member of the organization may participate in or initiate a vote during any meeting at which they are present.
Section 4 - VetoAny decision or vote of the officers can be nullified by the general membership under the following conditions:
Any active member may motion to make an amendment to the constitution during an organization meeting.
Section 2 - VotingAmendments require a two-thirds majority vote of the organization in order to be accepted.
Article VI - Adoption and RepealThis Constitution and Bylaws shall be considered adopted when two-thirds of the entire active membership of the organization vote to adopt said Constitution.
Section 2 - RepealUpon the adoption of this Constitution and Bylaws of the Rose-Hulman Bowling Club, all previous Constitutions and Bylaws, including any and all amendments, shall be considered repealed and no longer in effect.
Article VII - Constitutional BylawsAny elections will abide by the following procedures:
A weekly meeting shall be scheduled to the best ability of the President during the months that school is in session, barring finals week and breaks.The day and time of the weekly meeting may be changed by the President to better facilitate members' schedules so that a greater attendance of the general membership may occur.
Section 3 - Special FunctionsA special function is any event that does not fall into the category of the weekly meeting (outlined in Article VII, Section 2). All special events will be announced to the general membership at least one week in advance.
Section 4 - AttendanceOfficers must be in attendance at every meeting unless prior notification of absence is given. Active members must attend at one meeting per quarter to maintain their status as an active member (outlined in Article IV, Section 2).
Section 5 - Voting RequirementsAll votes, unless specified otherwise, shall be passed by a majority of a quorum of the active general membership.
Section 6 - Quorum A quorum is to be defined as half (rounded up) of the general membership of the organization, including officers. Section 7 - Rules of ConductAny policies set forth by the Institute supercede all policies set forth by this Constitution.
Clause 2 - Meeting ConductAll meetings will follow the Robert's Rules of Order, and members will be expected to abide by such.
Clause 3 - MisconductAny disrespectful behavior towards any participants during an event is expressly forbidden and contrary to the purpose of the organization. Any reports of misconduct will be left to the discretion of the presiding officer. Misconduct may result in revocation of membership.
Clause 4 - Bowling RulesThe rules of the United States Bowling Congress will be the rules used during any event or meeting sponsored by the Bowling Club. A link to the United States Bowling Congress' website will be provided on the organization website for reference. Specific league rules will be determined by the participating members prior to the start of the league.
An active member shall henceforth be defined as a member meeting one of the three following requirements:
An officer position under the title of Public Relations Chairman (PR Chair) shall henceforth be created. The PR Chair follows the Treasurer in the order of succession. The PR Chair's duties are as follows: