Problem ID: 45
Problem Filename: cktels_resistorCode_ex3
Circut Description:
- Resistor
Analysis Method:
- Color Code Chart
- 5% Standard Values Chart
Math Method:
- Algebra
Circuit Elements
Resistor Color Codes
Problem #3
A designer of the subwoofer amplifier for a home theater audio system has produced the following list of necessary resistors for a portion of her design: 481Ω, 12.67kΩ, 34Ω, and 735.2kΩ. Determine the color code of the nearest available 5% tolerance standard resistor value for each resistor.
Need a hint?
Refer to a "Standard Values" chart for 5% resistors. Round the given value to the two most significant digits that match a standard value, then write as many zeros as are needed to preserve the same order of magnitude.