! ANSYS Script for Model on Day 36 ! Small Sheet Metal Component ! ! Pins have zero radial displ for 0 to 180 /PREP7 ! Element and Materials ET,1,PLANE82 MP,EX,1,1.e7 MP,NUXY,1,0.3 ! Keypoint Generation K,1,0,0,0 K,2,45,0,0 K,3,45,-8,0 K,4,68,-8,0 K,5,68,12,0 K,6,45,12,0 K,7,45,30,0 K,8,38,30,0 K,9,28,36,0 K,10,12,36,0 K,11,8,20,0 K,12,0,20,0 ! Area Generation A,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 cyl4,12,10,3 cyl4,56,0,3 ASBA,1,2 ASBA,4,3 ! Meshing SMRTSIZE,2 MSHKEY,0 AMESH,ALL ! Set up necessary nodal coordinate systems LOCAL,11,1,12,10,0 LOCAL,12,1,56,0,0 ! Select the nodes around the the right holes ! Prevent any radial motion CSYS,12 NSEL,S,LOC,X,3,3 NSEL,R,LOC,Y,0,180 CM,hole2,NODE NROTAT,ALL D,ALL,UX ALLSEL ! Use contact elements around the hole on the left CSYS,11 NSEL,S,LOC,X,3,3 NSEL,R,LOC,Y,0,180 CM,hole1,NODE NROTAT,ALL D,ALL,UX ALLSEL ! Pressure on line SFL,9,PRES,100