Model { Name "simulated_exp" Version 5.0 SaveDefaultBlockParams on SampleTimeColors off LibraryLinkDisplay "none" WideLines off ShowLineDimensions off ShowPortDataTypes off ShowLoopsOnError on IgnoreBidirectionalLines off ShowStorageClass off ExecutionOrder off RecordCoverage off CovPath "/" CovSaveName "covdata" CovMetricSettings "dw" CovNameIncrementing off CovHtmlReporting on covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on CovCumulativeVarName "covCumulativeData" CovCumulativeReport off DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings" MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings" MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite" BlockNameDataTip on BlockParametersDataTip off BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off ToolBar on StatusBar on BrowserShowLibraryLinks off BrowserLookUnderMasks off Created "Tue Jun 19 09:59:39 2001" UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever" ModifiedByFormat "%" LastModifiedBy "cornwell" ModifiedDateFormat "%" LastModifiedDate "Tue Nov 04 09:06:42 2003" ModelVersionFormat "1.%" ConfigurationManager "none" SimParamPage "Solver" LinearizationMsg "none" Profile off ParamWorkspaceSource "MATLABWorkspace" AccelSystemTargetFile "accel.tlc" AccelTemplateMakefile "accel_default_tmf" AccelMakeCommand "make_rtw" TryForcingSFcnDF off ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm" ExtModeBatchMode off ExtModeTrigType "manual" ExtModeTrigMode "normal" ExtModeTrigPort "1" ExtModeTrigElement "any" ExtModeTrigDuration 1000 ExtModeTrigHoldOff 0 ExtModeTrigDelay 0 ExtModeTrigDirection "rising" ExtModeTrigLevel 0 ExtModeArchiveMode "off" ExtModeAutoIncOneShot off ExtModeIncDirWhenArm off ExtModeAddSuffixToVar off ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off ExtModeArmWhenConnect on ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off ExtModeLogAll on ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on BufferReuse on RTWExpressionDepthLimit 5 SimulationMode "normal" Solver "ode45" SolverMode "Auto" StartTime "0.0" StopTime "T" MaxOrder 5 MaxStep "auto" MinStep "auto" MaxNumMinSteps "-1" InitialStep "auto" FixedStep "auto" RelTol "1e-3" AbsTol "auto" OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes" OutputTimes "[]" Refine "1" LoadExternalInput off ExternalInput "[t, u]" LoadInitialState off InitialState "xInitial" SaveTime on TimeSaveName "tout" SaveState off StateSaveName "xout" SaveOutput on OutputSaveName "yout" SaveFinalState off FinalStateName "xFinal" SaveFormat "Array" Decimation "1" LimitDataPoints on MaxDataPoints "1000" SignalLoggingName "sigsOut" ConsistencyChecking "none" ArrayBoundsChecking "none" AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning" BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning" MinStepSizeMsg "warning" InheritedTsInSrcMsg "warning" DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning" MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error" SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none" CheckForMatrixSingularity "none" IntegerOverflowMsg "warning" Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning" ParameterDowncastMsg "error" ParameterOverflowMsg "error" ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning" UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none" UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none" VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none" InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error" SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none" UnconnectedInputMsg "warning" UnconnectedOutputMsg "warning" UnconnectedLineMsg "warning" SfunCompatibilityCheckMsg "none" RTWInlineParameters off BlockReductionOpt off BooleanDataType off ConditionallyExecuteInputs on ParameterPooling on OptimizeBlockIOStorage on ZeroCross on AssertionControl "UseLocalSettings" ProdHWDeviceType "Microprocessor" ProdHWWordLengths "8,16,32,32" RTWSystemTargetFile "grt.tlc" RTWTemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf" RTWMakeCommand "make_rtw" RTWGenerateCodeOnly off RTWRetainRTWFile off TLCProfiler off TLCDebug off TLCCoverage off TLCAssertion off BlockDefaults { Orientation "right" ForegroundColor "black" BackgroundColor "white" DropShadow off NamePlacement "normal" FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 10 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" ShowName on } BlockParameterDefaults { Block { BlockType Clock DisplayTime off } Block { BlockType Constant Value "1" VectorParams1D on ShowAdditionalParam off OutDataTypeMode "Inherit from 'Constant value'" OutDataType "sfix(16)" ConRadixGroup "Use specified scaling" OutScaling "2^0" } Block { BlockType Demux Outputs "4" DisplayOption "none" BusSelectionMode off } Block { BlockType Fcn Expr "sin(u[1])" } Block { BlockType Gain Gain "1" Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)" ShowAdditionalParam off ParameterDataTypeMode "Same as input" ParameterDataType "sfix(16)" ParameterScalingMode "Best Precision: Matrix-wise" ParameterScaling "2^0" OutDataTypeMode "Same as input" OutDataType "sfix(16)" OutScaling "2^0" LockScale off RndMeth "Floor" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on } Block { BlockType Inport Port "1" PortDimensions "-1" SampleTime "-1" ShowAdditionalParam off LatchInput off DataType "auto" OutDataType "sfix(16)" OutScaling "2^0" SignalType "auto" SamplingMode "auto" Interpolate on } Block { BlockType Integrator ExternalReset "none" InitialConditionSource "internal" InitialCondition "0" LimitOutput off UpperSaturationLimit "inf" LowerSaturationLimit "-inf" ShowSaturationPort off ShowStatePort off AbsoluteTolerance "auto" ZeroCross on } Block { BlockType Lookup InputValues "[-4:5]" OutputValues " rand(1,10)-0.5" ShowAdditionalParam off LookUpMeth "Interpolation-Extrapolation" OutDataTypeMode "Same as input" OutDataType "sfix(16)" OutScaling "2^0" LockScale off RndMeth "Floor" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on } Block { BlockType MultiPortSwitch Inputs "4" ShowAdditionalParam off zeroidx off InputSameDT on OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule" RndMeth "Floor" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on } Block { BlockType Mux Inputs "4" DisplayOption "none" } Block { BlockType Outport Port "1" OutputWhenDisabled "held" InitialOutput "[]" } Block { BlockType Product Inputs "2" Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)" ShowAdditionalParam off InputSameDT on OutDataTypeMode "Same as first input" OutDataType "sfix(16)" OutScaling "2^0" LockScale off RndMeth "Floor" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on } Block { BlockType Quantizer QuantizationInterval "0.5" LinearizeAsGain on } Block { BlockType RandomNumber Mean "0" Variance "1" Seed "0" SampleTime "-1" VectorParams1D on } Block { BlockType Scope Floating off ModelBased off TickLabels "OneTimeTick" ZoomMode "on" Grid "on" TimeRange "auto" YMin "-5" YMax "5" SaveToWorkspace off SaveName "ScopeData" LimitDataPoints on MaxDataPoints "5000" Decimation "1" SampleInput off SampleTime "0" } Block { BlockType "S-Function" FunctionName "system" PortCounts "[]" SFunctionModules "''" } Block { BlockType StateSpace A "1" B "1" C "1" D "1" X0 "0" AbsoluteTolerance "auto" Realization "auto" } Block { BlockType Step Time "1" Before "0" After "1" SampleTime "-1" VectorParams1D on ZeroCross on } Block { BlockType SubSystem ShowPortLabels on Permissions "ReadWrite" RTWSystemCode "Auto" RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto" RTWFileNameOpts "Auto" SimViewingDevice off DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings" MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings" } Block { BlockType Sum IconShape "rectangular" Inputs "++" ShowAdditionalParam off InputSameDT on OutDataTypeMode "Same as first input" OutDataType "sfix(16)" OutScaling "2^0" LockScale off RndMeth "Floor" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace VariableName "simulink_output" MaxDataPoints "1000" Decimation "1" SampleTime "0" } Block { BlockType TransferFcn Numerator "[1]" Denominator "[1 2 1]" AbsoluteTolerance "auto" Realization "auto" } Block { BlockType Trigonometry Operator "sin" OutputSignalType "auto" } Block { BlockType ZeroOrderHold SampleTime "1" } } AnnotationDefaults { HorizontalAlignment "center" VerticalAlignment "middle" ForegroundColor "black" BackgroundColor "white" DropShadow off FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 10 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" } LineDefaults { FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 9 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" } System { Name "simulated_exp" Location [70, 167, 946, 562] Open on ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" ZoomFactor "100" ReportName "simulink-default.rpt" Block { BlockType Reference Name "Antialiasing\nfilters" Ports [1, 1] Position [360, 155, 410, 195] SourceBlock "cstblocks/LTI System" SourceType "LTI Block" sys "tf(num,den)" IC "[]" } Block { BlockType Clock Name "Clock" Position [625, 300, 645, 320] Decimation "10" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant" Position [270, 41, 325, 69] Value "i_antialias" } Block { BlockType Demux Name "Demux" Ports [1, 2] Position [680, 181, 685, 219] BackgroundColor "black" ShowName off Outputs "[3 1]" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "acceleration" TestPoint off LinearAnalysisOutput off LinearAnalysisInput off RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLogging off DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" DataLoggingDecimateData off DataLoggingDecimation "2" DataLoggingLimitDataPoints off DataLoggingMaxPoints "5000" } Port { PortNumber 2 Name "force" TestPoint off LinearAnalysisOutput off LinearAnalysisInput off RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLogging off DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" DataLoggingDecimateData off DataLoggingDecimation "2" DataLoggingLimitDataPoints off DataLoggingMaxPoints "5000" } } Block { BlockType MultiPortSwitch Name "Multiport\nSwitch" Ports [3, 1] Position [440, 99, 470, 131] Inputs "2" } Block { BlockType Mux Name "Mux" Ports [2, 1] Position [310, 144, 315, 211] ShowName off Inputs "[3 1]" DisplayOption "bar" } Block { BlockType Quantizer Name "Quantizer" Position [610, 150, 640, 180] QuantizationInterval "2*ymax/2^numbits" LinearizeAsGain off } Block { BlockType Scope Name "Scope" Ports [1] Position [740, 34, 770, 66] Location [188, 365, 626, 675] Open off NumInputPorts "1" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" } DataFormat "StructureWithTime" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "Scope1" Ports [1] Position [720, 249, 750, 281] Location [188, 365, 626, 675] Open off NumInputPorts "1" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" } List { ListType SelectedSignals axes1 "" } SaveName "ScopeData1" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "System Equations" Ports [1, 1] Position [190, 140, 230, 200] TreatAsAtomicUnit off Port { PortNumber 1 Name "acceleration \n(3 channels)l" TestPoint off LinearAnalysisOutput off LinearAnalysisInput off RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLogging off DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" DataLoggingDecimateData off DataLoggingDecimation "2" DataLoggingLimitDataPoints off DataLoggingMaxPoints "5000" } System { Name "System Equations" Location [52, 443, 560, 662] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "In1" Position [15, 28, 45, 42] } Block { BlockType Gain Name "Damping Matrix" Position [175, 85, 205, 115] Orientation "left" Gain "C" Multiplication "Matrix(K*u)" } Block { BlockType Integrator Name "Integrator2" Ports [1, 1] Position [185, 25, 215, 55] } Block { BlockType Integrator Name "Integrator3" Ports [1, 1] Position [255, 25, 285, 55] } Block { BlockType Gain Name "Inverse of \nMass Matrix\n" Position [130, 25, 160, 55] Gain "inv(M)" Multiplication "Matrix(K*u)" } Block { BlockType Gain Name "Stiffness Matrix" Position [150, 135, 180, 165] Orientation "left" Gain "K" Multiplication "Matrix(K*u)" } Block { BlockType Sum Name "Sum" Ports [3, 1] Position [75, 30, 95, 50] ShowName off IconShape "round" Inputs "|+--" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Out1" Position [370, 33, 400, 47] } Line { SrcBlock "Integrator3" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0; 0, 110] DstBlock "Stiffness Matrix" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Integrator2" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0; 10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Integrator3" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 60] DstBlock "Damping Matrix" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Inverse of \nMass Matrix\n" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Integrator2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -30; 185, 0] DstBlock "Out1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Sum" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverse of \nMass Matrix\n" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Damping Matrix" SrcPort 1 Points [-85, 0] DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Stiffness Matrix" SrcPort 1 Points [-81, 0] DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "In1" SrcPort 1 Points [14, 0] DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace" Position [770, 295, 820, 325] VariableName "time" MaxDataPoints "inf" SampleTime "dt" SaveFormat "Array" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace1" Position [760, 145, 820, 175] NamePlacement "alternate" VariableName "yout" MaxDataPoints "inf" SampleTime "dt" SaveFormat "Array" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace3" Position [765, 230, 825, 260] NamePlacement "alternate" VariableName "force" MaxDataPoints "inf" SampleTime "dt" SaveFormat "Array" } Block { BlockType ZeroOrderHold Name "Zero-Order\nHold" Position [530, 146, 565, 184] SampleTime "1/fs/10" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "input" Ports [0, 1] Position [15, 140, 55, 200] TreatAsAtomicUnit off Port { PortNumber 1 Name "force" TestPoint off LinearAnalysisOutput off LinearAnalysisInput off RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLogging off DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" DataLoggingDecimateData off DataLoggingDecimation "2" DataLoggingLimitDataPoints off DataLoggingMaxPoints "5000" } System { Name "input" Location [427, 75, 968, 615] Open on ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Reference Name "Chirp Signal" Ports [0, 1] Position [40, 395, 70, 425] SourceBlock "simulink/Sources/Chirp Signal" SourceType "chirp" f1 "0" T "T" f2 "fs/2" VectorParams1D on } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Control" Position [35, 25, 65, 55] Value "iforce" } Block { BlockType Gain Name "Gain" Position [175, 393, 225, 427] Gain "F" } Block { BlockType Gain Name "Gain1" Position [85, 154, 115, 186] Gain "F" } Block { BlockType Gain Name "Gain2" Position [115, 279, 145, 311] Gain "F" } Block { BlockType MultiPortSwitch Name "Multiport\nSwitch" Ports [7, 1] Position [385, 147, 425, 323] Inputs "6" } Block { BlockType Product Name "Product" Ports [2, 1] Position [65, 292, 95, 323] Port { PortNumber 1 Name "burst random" TestPoint off LinearAnalysisOutput off LinearAnalysisInput off RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLogging off DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" DataLoggingDecimateData off DataLoggingDecimation "2" DataLoggingLimitDataPoints off DataLoggingMaxPoints "5000" } } Block { BlockType RandomNumber Name "Random\nNumber" Position [15, 260, 45, 290] Seed "111" SampleTime "0" } Block { BlockType RandomNumber Name "Random\nNumber1" Position [30, 155, 60, 185] Seed "111" SampleTime "0" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "wideband random" TestPoint off LinearAnalysisOutput off LinearAnalysisInput off RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLogging off DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" DataLoggingDecimateData off DataLoggingDecimation "2" DataLoggingLimitDataPoints off DataLoggingMaxPoints "5000" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Repeating\nSequence" Ports [0, 1] Position [35, 75, 65, 105] SourceBlock "simulink/Sources/Repeating\nSequence" SourceType "Repeating table" rep_seq_t "[0 .001 .002 1000]" rep_seq_y "[0 F 0 0]" } Block { BlockType Step Name "Step" Position [15, 325, 45, 355] Time "Tburst*T" Before "1" After "0" SampleTime "0" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace2" Position [105, 455, 165, 485] NamePlacement "alternate" VariableName "temp" MaxDataPoints "inf" SampleTime "dt" SaveFormat "Array" } Block { BlockType TransferFcn Name "anti-aliasing" Position [175, 187, 230, 223] Numerator "b" Denominator "a" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "bandlimited random" TestPoint off LinearAnalysisOutput off LinearAnalysisInput off RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLogging off DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" DataLoggingDecimateData off DataLoggingDecimation "2" DataLoggingLimitDataPoints off DataLoggingMaxPoints "5000" } } Block { BlockType TransferFcn Name "anti-aliasing1" Position [175, 317, 230, 353] Numerator "b" Denominator "a" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "bandlimited burst random" TestPoint off LinearAnalysisOutput off LinearAnalysisInput off RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLogging off DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" DataLoggingDecimateData off DataLoggingDecimation "2" DataLoggingLimitDataPoints off DataLoggingMaxPoints "5000" } } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Out1" Position [455, 213, 485, 227] } Line { SrcBlock "Step" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Product" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Random\nNumber" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Product" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Control" SrcPort 1 Points [300, 0] DstBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" SrcPort 1 Points [0, -15] DstBlock "Out1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Repeating\nSequence" SrcPort 1 Points [290, 0; 0, 95] DstBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" DstPort 2 } Line { Name "bandlimited random" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "anti-aliasing" SrcPort 1 Points [105, 0; 0, 30] DstBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" DstPort 4 } Line { Name "bandlimited burst random" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "anti-aliasing1" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0; 0, -50] DstBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "Chirp Signal" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Gain" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 60] DstBlock "To Workspace2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Gain" SrcPort 1 Points [140, 0] DstBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" DstPort 7 } Line { Name "wideband random" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "Random\nNumber1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gain1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [215, 0; 0, 50; 15, 0] DstBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, 35] DstBlock "anti-aliasing" DstPort 1 } } Line { Name "burst random" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "Product" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gain2" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0] Branch { Points [0, -35] DstBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" DstPort 5 } Branch { Points [0, 40] DstBlock "anti-aliasing1" DstPort 1 } } } } Block { BlockType Gain Name "make a vector\n" Position [105, 150, 135, 180] Gain "[1;0;0]" Multiplication "Matrix(K*u)" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "force" TestPoint off LinearAnalysisOutput off LinearAnalysisInput off RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLogging off DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" DataLoggingDecimateData off DataLoggingDecimation "2" DataLoggingLimitDataPoints off DataLoggingMaxPoints "5000" } } Line { Name "force" Labels [0, 0; 1, 0] SrcBlock "input" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -5; 10, 0] Branch { Labels [1, 0] DstBlock "make a vector\n" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 55; 175, 0; 0, -25] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } } Line { Name "force" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "make a vector\n" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] DstBlock "System Equations" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 Points [95, 0] DstBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Antialiasing\nfilters" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] DstBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0; 0, 45; 20, 0] DstBlock "Zero-Order\nHold" DstPort 1 } Line { Name "acceleration \n(3 channels)l" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "System Equations" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0; 0, -10] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Line { Name "acceleration" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "Demux" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [40, 0] DstBlock "To Workspace1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -140] DstBlock "Scope" DstPort 1 } } Line { Name "force" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "Demux" SrcPort 2 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [45, 0] DstBlock "To Workspace3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Scope1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [15, 0] DstBlock "Antialiasing\nfilters" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -65] DstBlock "Multiport\nSwitch" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Zero-Order\nHold" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Quantizer" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Quantizer" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, 35] DstBlock "Demux" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Clock" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "To Workspace" DstPort 1 } } }