#******************************************************************************* # Copyright (C) 2000 Texas Instruments Incorporated. # All Rights Reserved #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FILENAME...... makefile # DATE CREATED.. 06/15/2000 # LAST MODIFIED. 06/16/2000 # #******************************************************************************* # base directories TIDIR = c:\ti BASEDIR = c:\bsl\bsl20 # file locations MAKEDIR = $(BASEDIR)\make SRCDIR = $(BASEDIR)\source LIBDIR = $(BASEDIR)\lib INCDIR = $(BASEDIR)\include OBJDIR = $(MAKEDIR)\objs\bsl$(BOARD) # code-gen tools AR = @$(TIDIR)\c6000\cgtools\bin\ar6x.exe CL = @$(TIDIR)\c6000\cgtools\bin\cl6x.exe LN = @$(TIDIR)\c6000\cgtools\bin\lnk6x.exe ASM = @$(TIDIR)\c6000\cgtools\bin\asm6x.exe # system tools MAKE = @nmake /NOLOGO CP = @xcopy /v CAT = @type ECHO = @echo CD = @cd # build options OPTS = -mo -al -k -qq -o3 -ml3 -dBOARD_$(BOARD) -i$(SRCDIR) -im:\include -dCHIP_$(CHIP) $(OPT) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- default: bsl6711dsk all: \ bsl6711dsk \ clean: @del /s $(MAKEDIR)\*.obj bsl6711dsk: $(MAKE) BOARD=6711DSK CHIP=6711 OPT="-mv6711" $(LIBDIR)\bsl6711dsk.lib #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIB_DEP = \ board \ bsl \ ad535 \ dip \ flash \ led \ SRCFILES = \ $(SRCDIR)\*.c \ $(SRCDIR)\*.h $(LIBDIR)\bsl6711dsk.lib: display $(LIB_DEP) # @if exist $(LIBDIR)\bsl.src del $(LIBDIR)\bsl.src # @if exist $(LIBDIR)\bsl$(LIB).lib del $(LIBDIR)\bsl.src # $(AR) -rq $(LIBDIR)\bsl.src $(SRCDIR)\*.* $(AR) -rq $(LIBDIR)\bsl.src $(SRCFILES) $(AR) -rq $(LIBDIR)\bsl6711dsk.lib $(MAKEDIR)\objs\bsl$(BOARD)\*.obj display: $(ECHO). $(ECHO) BUILDING LIBRARY bsl6711dsk.lib $(ECHO) OPTIONS: $(OPTS) $(ECHO). dir: # @if not exist $(MAKEDIR)\objs\bsl$(BOARD) md $(MAKEDIR)\objs\bsl$(BOARD) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BOARD #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the module depends on these BOARD_DEP = \ $(OBJDIR)\bsl_board.obj \ $(INCDIR)\bsl_board.h \ # the obj file depends on these BOARD_OBJ_DEP = \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_board.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_board.c \ # module target board: $(BOARD_DEP) # obj target $(OBJDIR)\bsl_board.obj: $(BOARD_OBJ_DEP) $(CD) $(OBJDIR) $(ECHO) $(*B).c $(CL) $(OPTS) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).c $(CD) $(MAKEDIR) # copy related include files into the release include directory $(INCDIR)\bsl_board.h: $(SRCDIR)\bsl_board.h $(CAT) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).h > $(INCDIR)\$(*B).h #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BSL #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the module depends on these BSL_DEP = \ $(OBJDIR)\bsl.obj \ $(INCDIR)\bsl.h \ # the obj file depends on these BSL_OBJ_DEP = \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_board.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl.c \ # module target bsl: $(BSL_DEP) # obj target $(OBJDIR)\bsl.obj: $(BSL_OBJ_DEP) $(CD) $(OBJDIR) $(ECHO) $(*B).c $(CL) $(OPTS) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).c $(CD) $(MAKEDIR) # copy related include files into the release include directory $(INCDIR)\bsl.h: $(SRCDIR)\bsl.h $(CAT) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).h > $(INCDIR)\$(*B).h #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AD535 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the module depends on these AD535_DEP = \ $(OBJDIR)\bsl_ad535.obj \ $(INCDIR)\bsl_ad535.h \ # the obj file depends on these AD535_OBJ_DEP = \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_board.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_ad535.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_ad535.c \ # module target, put the obj file into the library ad535: $(AD535_DEP) # obj target $(OBJDIR)\bsl_ad535.obj: $(AD535_OBJ_DEP) $(CD) $(OBJDIR) $(ECHO) $(*B).c $(CL) $(OPTS) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).c $(CD) $(MAKEDIR) # copy related include files into the release include directory $(INCDIR)\bsl_ad535.h: $(SRCDIR)\bsl_ad535.h $(CAT) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).h > $(INCDIR)\$(*B).h #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DIP #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the module depends on these DIP_DEP = \ $(OBJDIR)\bsl_dip.obj \ $(INCDIR)\bsl_dip.h \ # the obj file depends on these DIP_OBJ_DEP = \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_board.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_dip.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_dip.c \ # module target, put the obj file into the library dip: $(DIP_DEP) # obj target $(OBJDIR)\bsl_dip.obj: $(DIP_OBJ_DEP) $(CD) $(OBJDIR) $(ECHO) $(*B).c $(CL) $(OPTS) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).c $(CD) $(MAKEDIR) # copy related include files into the release include directory $(INCDIR)\bsl_dip.h: $(SRCDIR)\bsl_dip.h $(CAT) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).h > $(INCDIR)\$(*B).h #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FLASH #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the module depends on these FLASH_DEP = \ $(OBJDIR)\bsl_flash.obj \ $(INCDIR)\bsl_flash.h \ # the obj file depends on these FLASH_OBJ_DEP = \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_board.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_flash.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_flash.c \ # module target, put the obj file into the library flash: $(FLASH_DEP) # obj target $(OBJDIR)\bsl_flash.obj: $(FLASH_OBJ_DEP) $(CD) $(OBJDIR) $(ECHO) $(*B).c $(CL) $(OPTS) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).c $(CD) $(MAKEDIR) # copy related include files into the release include directory $(INCDIR)\bsl_flash.h: $(SRCDIR)\bsl_flash.h $(CAT) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).h > $(INCDIR)\$(*B).h #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LED #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the module depends on these LED_DEP = \ $(OBJDIR)\bsl_led.obj \ $(INCDIR)\bsl_led.h \ # the obj file depends on these LED_OBJ_DEP = \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_board.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_led.h \ $(SRCDIR)\bsl_led.c \ # module target, put the obj file into the library led: $(LED_DEP) # obj target $(OBJDIR)\bsl_led.obj: $(LED_OBJ_DEP) $(CD) $(OBJDIR) $(ECHO) $(*B).c $(CL) $(OPTS) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).c $(CD) $(MAKEDIR) # copy related include files into the release include directory $(INCDIR)\bsl_led.h: $(SRCDIR)\bsl_led.h $(CAT) $(SRCDIR)\$(*B).h > $(INCDIR)\$(*B).h #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #******************************************************************************* # End of makefile #*******************************************************************************