Code Composer Studio 'C6000 Release Notes Version 1.00 For an overview of this product, read the Code Composer Studio Tutorial, SPRU301A. Important Notice Some anti-virus programs can cause problems when building a project with Code Composer Studio. The anti-virus software may cause A:\ to be accessed on each file compiled, or may cause compilation to hang. (SDSsq06918, SDSsq06879, SDSsq06730) If you observe these symptoms, there are three workarounds: * Upgrade to a newer version of the anti-virus software, or * Turn off your anti-virus software or change some of the options (e.g. change "scan all files" to "scan program files"), or * Add the following lines to your C:\windows\win.ini file (this will slow down your compilations considerably): [Code Composer] BackgroundCompile=SAFE Code Generation Tools (Compiler, Assembler, Linker) Version 3.00 changes the handling of warning messages for the MVK instruction, and adds the new mnemonic MVKL. Support has been added for relocating runtime support functions to off-chip memory, freeing up on-chip memory. Improvements to the C parser provide additional functionality. However, some options are no longer supported. For additional information, please refer to the Code Generation Tools notes, ti\c6000\cgtools\readme.1st. Command Window All register names must be entered in uppercase. You should change all your current command files (*.cmd) before running them. (SDSsq06678) DSP/BIOS Configuration When the Configuration tool has the focus, Ctrl-S does not save the file, nor does "Options->Editor->Save Before Build". Use File->Save. (SDSsq05231) DSP/BIOS Real-Time Analysis Activate RTDX and DSP/BIOS plug-ins only while your DSP is halted. Otherwise, real-time analysis controls may display incorrect data. (SDSsq06670) DSP/BIOS Runtime Avoid using standard printf and DSP/BIOS LOG_printf in a single application. They compete for the same resources, and as a result, the Message Log will not be updated until the target is halted. (SDSsq06821) Emulation Reset your board and processor before using Code Composer Studio: * For the EVM6x, run evm6xrst from a DOS prompt, and observe the results. If there is a problem (e.g., "can't find file handle..."), reboot the PC. (SDSsq06141, SDSsq06829) * For the XDS510, use Start->Programs->Code Composer Studio 'C6000->Reset XDS510 Board, then run Code Composer Studio and select Gel->Reset. Emulation supports the 6201, 6202, and 6701 devices. For additional information, please refer to the Emulation notes, ti\docs\xds510rel.txt. EVM If you are using the Texas Instruments TMS320C6x EVM board, you need to set the external memory map. The memory map settings and EMIF (external memory interface) settings are described in Section 1.4 ("External Memory") of the TMS320C6201/6701 Evaluation Module Technical Reference, SPRU305. If you want Code Composer Studio to set the EMIF registers to the standard factory settings every time you start Code Composer, edit the file ti\cc\gel\init.gel and un-comment the line: /* emif_init(); */ . Otherwise, you still have the opportunity to call the emif_init() routine from the Code Composer menu items defined by ti\cc\gel\init.gel: GEL->Resets->Reset_and_EMIF_Setup, and GEL->Resets->Reset_EMIFset_and_ClearBreakPts. If you want to use other EMIF settings, modify the emif_init() routine itself. If you don't set the EMIF registers at all, the memory map will be in an unknown state and programs may not load. Uninstall older EVM support software, before installing the EVM support software that comes with Code Composer Studio. Otherwise you may get "JTAG failed to reset" when running Start->Programs->Code Composer Studio->EVM Reset. To repair this, first uninstall the newer (1.93) version, via Start->Settings->Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and selecting TI TMS320C6x EVM 1.93. Then uninstall the older EVM support software (e.g. Add/Remove Programs, C6x EVM Support Software). Finally, re-install the latest EVM support software from the Code Composer Studio installation opening screen (Install: EVMC6x Driver and Utilities). If a PC will not boot properly after an EVM is installed, or an EVM application locks up the PC or causes a Windows exception screen to be displayed, there is probably an interrupt conflict between the EVM and another board in the system. Read evmirqconflict.pdf for guidance. Also, you can find drivers to download, and other information, at Installation If you install Code Composer Studio over Code Composer 4.02, Code Composer Setup will display obsolete drivers containing "C6000" in their names. Replace them all with "C6xxx" drivers. One way to do this: from within Code Composer Setup, completely clear the System Configuration (File->Clear...), and remove the "C6000" drivers from the Available Board Types (right click Uninstall... on each). Then, if necessary, re-import the drivers you need (click in the right panel on "Import a Configuration File"). Finally, re-establish your board and processor arrangement in the System Configuration window, using the C6xxx board drivers. If you install Code Composer Studio over TMS320C6x Code Generation Tools 3.00, you will get a dialog box warning that "A read-only file ..., was found .... To overwrite the file, click the [Yes] button...". With the first such warning, click in the "Don't display this message again" box, and click [Yes]. This will replace all overlapping files with equal or newer versions. If you install Code Composer Studio, or any of its variants, over each other, you may create environment variable definitions exceeding 128 characters. The build environment will ignore these, causing compilations and links to fail. Edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (Win 95/98), or "Start->Settings->Control Panel:System: Environment" (Win NT) to remove redundant definitions. (However, once you have done this, on Win 95/98, uninstalling just one product may remove an environment variable setting still needed by the remaining product.) Interactive Development Environment and Debugger Plug-ins, like the Command Window, are not separate programs. They will not appear in the - list of programs. If the plug-ins are floating in main, - will cycle between them and all other windows controlled by the IDE. The compiler supports C++ comments (// to the end of the line), but the editor's highlighting only supports C comments. (SDSsq05544) To specify the order in which object files and libraries should be linked, insert them in reverse order. (SDSsq05610) While sending or receiving data with RTDX or DSP/BIOS Real-Time Analysis tools, it is possible to halt all data throughput by performing GUI actions, such as popping up a selection dialog box or pull-down menu. The data flow will resume after the pop-up/pull-down window is removed. (SDSsq05649) Stepping out (shift F7) from within a standard C function (printf, etc.) runs to the next breakpoint. Standard C functions do not provide debugging information that would facilitate stepping out. (SDSsq06052) If you build an application in a folder that has spaces in the directory path or project filenames, Code Composer Studio will generate a compilation command in which the compiler will announce that it cannot find a file. (SDSsq06987) Compiler switches in the *.cmd file for a project may conflict with the project build options. Do not use File->Export... from Code Composer Setup in the same session in which you also used File->Import or the "Import Configuration" dialog. The resulting configuration file will be invalid. Instead, merely exit after saving your configuration; then use File->Export from a subsequent Code Composer Setup session. (SDSsq07278) RTDX To restart a program, halt the DSP, then use File->Reload Program (not Debug->Restart). Otherwise, the message log will stop updating automatically. (SDSsq05862, SDSsq05905) Activate RTDX and DSP/BIOS plug-ins only while your DSP is halted. Otherwise, real-time analysis controls may display incorrect data. (SDSsq06670) Pressing the "Retry" button after enabling profiling, with RTDX already enabled, causes RTDX to stop working. (SDSsq07156) Simulation In C6201, C6202, and C6701 simulation, the cycle counts in the presence of external accesses may not be exact and must be treated as representative. McBSP, Timer, and HPI devices are currently not supported. With C6211 and C6711 Simulation, only L1 and L2 cache systems are simulated. External memory effects and peripherals are currently not modeled. External memory effects may be approximated through the configuration file. For additional information, please refer to the simulation notes, ti\docs\simconfig_readme_c6x.txt. Troubleshooting Hardware Problems If you get a message of the form "Can't Initialize Target DSP...", try the following: DSP Target I/O Settings: * Make sure that your DIP switch settings on your target card match the I/O address set when running the Code Composer Studio Setup utility. * Check that no other hardware on your PC is using this I/O setting. If you are running Windows 95, you can check for conflicts by selecting START->SETTINGS->CONTROL PANEL->SYSTEM and choosing the Device Manager tab - this will outline a layout of your system and will indicate if any conflicts exist between your target board and any other hardware on the system. Code Composer Setup Configuration: * Make sure that the device driver is appropriate for your DSP target configuration. * Verify that your multiprocessing configuration has been set up correctly. Refer to the Code Composer Setup online help for details on correctly configuring your Code Composer Studio multiprocessing system. Problem Reporting If you need assistance, you may contact the Product Information Center, as follows: Web: Email: Phone (Americas): +1(972) 644-5580 Consult the Customer Support Guide for additional details, including phone information in other parts of the world.