;FIRcircfunc_ext.asm Function using circular buffer in external memory ;A4=newest sample, B4=coefficient address, A6=filter order ;Delay samples organized: x[n-(N-1)]...x[n]; coeff as h(0)...h[N-1] .def _fircircfunc_ext .def last_addr .def delays .sect "circdata" ;circular data section .align 256 ;align delay buffer 256-byte boundary delays .space 256 ;init 256-byte buffer with 0's last_addr .int last_addr-1 .text ;code section _fircircfunc_ext: ;FIR function using circ addr MV A6,A1 ;setup loop count MPY A6,2,A6 ;since dly buffer data as byte ZERO A8 ;init A8 for accumulation ADD A6,B4,B4 ;since coeff buffer data as bytes SUB B4,1,B4 ;B4=bottom coeff array h[N-1] MVKL 0x00070040,B6 ;select A7 as pointer and BK0 MVKH 0x00070040,B6 ;BK0 for 256 bytes (128 shorts) MVC B6,AMR ;set address mode register AMR MVKL last_addr,A9 ;A9=bottom circ addr in external mem MVKH last_addr,A9 ;(higher 16 bits)in external circ LDW *A9,A7 ;A7=last circ addr NOP 4 STH A4,*A7++ ;newest sample-->last address loop: ;begin FIR loop LDH *A7++,A2 ;A2=x[n-(N-1)+i] i=0,1,...,N-1 || LDH *B4--,B2 ;B2=h[N-1-i] i=0,1,...,N-1 SUB A1,1,A1 ;decrement count [A1] B loop ;branch to loop if count # 0 NOP 2 MPY A2,B2,A6 ;A6=x[n-(N-1)+i]*h[N-1+i] NOP ADD A6,A8,A8 ;accumulate in A8 STW A7,*A9 ;store last circ addr to last_addr B B3 ;return addr to calling routine MV A8,A4 ;result returned in A4 NOP 4