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We have an excellent environment for the development of advanced scientific software. Our software development environment utilizes:Y)I0 0RP:Object-Oriented Software Design`4, (hP:A Complete LAN Based Development EnvironmentYI., (P:State-of-the-Art Development Tools for Programming, Testing and Quality AssurancezN, (P:Extensive Libraries of Proprietary and Third-Party Software ComponentsuI., (P:Rapid Application Development Capability for Graphical Interfacese* $P:Extensive experience in numerical software development and graphical user interface developmento) 5AWR can develop custom software solutions including complete applications, customized versions of existing applications, algorithms and subroutines. 11|cڈv:oڈ% *How to Contact AWRav; DApplied Wave Research can be contacted at the following:Applied Wave Research, Inc.2210A Graham Redondo Beach, CA 90278Phone: (310) 370-1714Fax: (310) 793-6500 E-Mail: pekarek@appwave.comPlease E-Mail registration material to: reg@appwave.comAt the time that this software was published, AWR was in the process of finding a new location. If we cannot be contacted at the above phone number or address, then e-mail us at pekarek@appwave.com and we will send you updated information. If you are a registered user of this software, then we will automatically notify you of any changes.Cڈ1OTXLine Information>v( , TXLine InformationX4O$ iYou are using TXLine version 1.1. copyright Applied Wave Research Inc. 1996. Please contact AWR for information on new versions of this software. If you are a registered user with your current e-mail address registered with us, we will automatically notify you of any updates. Thank you for using TXLine. < 1Bug Reports7O(  Bug ReportsT)+ $SIf you find any bugs in the software, or if you have any problems or commentOs about the software, please send an e-mail describing the problem to: pekarek@appwave.comWe will do our best to correct any problems that are discovered and we will make updated versions available to all users. 11) DHelvSymbolArial ! ! !#+"τ/&;)Lz7- 6τDielectric Constant of the SubstrateConductivity of the Transmission LineApplied Wave Research, Inc.<Microwave CAD Applicationszc]TXLine InformationBug Reports/&;)L4` zݲτcl-ȓ=<Ž 6U%QR)ٍ+HER7sY]k^ qOt