Model { Name "DT_openloop_ripple" Version 5.1 SaveDefaultBlockParams on SampleTimeColors on LibraryLinkDisplay "none" WideLines on ShowLineDimensions on ShowPortDataTypes off ShowLoopsOnError on IgnoreBidirectionalLines off ShowStorageClass off SortedOrder off RecordCoverage off CovPath "/" CovSaveName "covdata" CovMetricSettings "dw" CovNameIncrementing off CovHtmlReporting on covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on CovCumulativeVarName "covCumulativeData" CovCumulativeReport off DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings" MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings" MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite" BlockNameDataTip off BlockParametersDataTip off BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off ToolBar on StatusBar on BrowserShowLibraryLinks off BrowserLookUnderMasks off Created "Thu Feb 10 13:34:53 2005" UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever" ModifiedByFormat "%" LastModifiedBy "throne" ModifiedDateFormat "%" LastModifiedDate "Wed Dec 14 16:32:39 2005" ModelVersionFormat "1.%" ConfigurationManager "None" SimParamPage "Solver" LinearizationMsg "none" Profile off ParamWorkspaceSource "MATLABWorkspace" AccelSystemTargetFile "accel.tlc" AccelTemplateMakefile "accel_default_tmf" AccelMakeCommand "make_rtw" TryForcingSFcnDF off ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm" ExtModeBatchMode off ExtModeTrigType "manual" ExtModeTrigMode "normal" ExtModeTrigPort "1" ExtModeTrigElement "any" ExtModeTrigDuration 1000 ExtModeTrigHoldOff 0 ExtModeTrigDelay 0 ExtModeTrigDirection "rising" ExtModeTrigLevel 0 ExtModeArchiveMode "off" ExtModeAutoIncOneShot off ExtModeIncDirWhenArm off ExtModeAddSuffixToVar off ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off ExtModeArmWhenConnect on ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off ExtModeLogAll on ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on BufferReuse on RTWExpressionDepthLimit 5 SimulationMode "normal" Solver "FixedStepDiscrete" SolverMode "Auto" StartTime "0.0" StopTime "Tf" MaxOrder 5 MaxStep "1e-5" MinStep "auto" MaxNumMinSteps "-1" InitialStep "auto" FixedStep "Tsr" RelTol "1e-4" AbsTol "auto" OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes" OutputTimes "[]" Refine "1" LoadExternalInput off ExternalInput "[t, u]" LoadInitialState off InitialState "xInitial" SaveTime on TimeSaveName "tout" SaveState off StateSaveName "xout" SaveOutput on OutputSaveName "yout" SaveFinalState off FinalStateName "xFinal" SaveFormat "Array" Decimation "1" LimitDataPoints on MaxDataPoints "1000" SignalLoggingName "sigsOut" ConsistencyChecking "none" ArrayBoundsChecking "none" AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning" BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning" MinStepSizeMsg "warning" InheritedTsInSrcMsg "warning" DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning" MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error" SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none" CheckForMatrixSingularity "none" IntegerOverflowMsg "warning" Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning" ParameterDowncastMsg "error" ParameterOverflowMsg "error" ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning" UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none" UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none" VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none" InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error" SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none" UnconnectedInputMsg "warning" UnconnectedOutputMsg "warning" UnconnectedLineMsg "warning" SfunCompatibilityCheckMsg "none" RTWInlineParameters off BlockReductionOpt on BooleanDataType on ConditionallyExecuteInputs on ParameterPooling on OptimizeBlockIOStorage on ZeroCross on AssertionControl "UseLocalSettings" ProdHWDeviceType "Microprocessor" ProdHWWordLengths "8,16,32,32" RTWSystemTargetFile "grt.tlc" RTWTemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf" RTWMakeCommand "make_rtw" RTWGenerateCodeOnly off RTWRetainRTWFile off TLCProfiler off TLCDebug off TLCCoverage off TLCAssertion off BlockDefaults { Orientation "right" ForegroundColor "black" BackgroundColor "white" DropShadow off NamePlacement "normal" FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 10 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" ShowName on } BlockParameterDefaults { Block { BlockType Demux Outputs "4" DisplayOption "none" BusSelectionMode off } Block { BlockType DigitalClock } Block { BlockType Gain Gain "1" Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)" ShowAdditionalParam off ParameterDataTypeMode "Same as input" ParameterDataType "sfix(16)" ParameterScalingMode "Best Precision: Matrix-wise" ParameterScaling "2^0" OutDataTypeMode "Same as input" OutDataType "sfix(16)" OutScaling "2^0" LockScale off RndMeth "Floor" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on } Block { BlockType Saturate UpperLimit "0.5" LowerLimit "-0.5" LinearizeAsGain on ZeroCross on } Block { BlockType "S-Function" FunctionName "system" PortCounts "[]" SFunctionModules "''" } Block { BlockType Sin SineType "Time based" Amplitude "1" Bias "0" Frequency "1" Phase "0" Samples "10" Offset "0" VectorParams1D on } Block { BlockType Sum IconShape "rectangular" Inputs "++" ShowAdditionalParam off InputSameDT on OutDataTypeMode "Same as first input" OutDataType "sfix(16)" OutScaling "2^0" LockScale off RndMeth "Floor" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace VariableName "simulink_output" MaxDataPoints "1000" Decimation "1" } Block { BlockType UnitDelay X0 "0" RTWStateStorageClass "Auto" } } AnnotationDefaults { HorizontalAlignment "center" VerticalAlignment "middle" ForegroundColor "black" BackgroundColor "white" DropShadow off FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 10 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" } LineDefaults { FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 9 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" } System { Name "DT_openloop_ripple" Location [482, 290, 1201, 753] Open on ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" ZoomFactor "100" ReportName "simulink-default.rpt" Block { BlockType Gain Name "B" Position [265, 300, 295, 330] ShowName off Gain "H" Multiplication "Matrix(K*u)" } Block { BlockType Gain Name "B1" Position [305, 145, 335, 175] ShowName off Gain "Hr" Multiplication "Matrix(K*u)" } Block { BlockType Demux Name "Demux" Ports [1, 2] Position [475, 296, 480, 334] BackgroundColor "black" ShowName off Outputs "2" } Block { BlockType Demux Name "Demux1" Ports [1, 2] Position [515, 141, 520, 179] BackgroundColor "black" ShowName off Outputs "2" } Block { BlockType DigitalClock Name "Digital Clock" Position [20, 38, 85, 62] SampleTime "Ts" } Block { BlockType DigitalClock Name "Digital Clock1" Position [20, 88, 85, 112] SampleTime "Tsr" } Block { BlockType Gain Name "G" Position [375, 370, 405, 400] Orientation "left" Gain "G" Multiplication "Matrix(K*u)" } Block { BlockType Gain Name "G1" Position [380, 240, 410, 270] Orientation "left" Gain "Gr" Multiplication "Matrix(K*u)" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Rate Transition" Ports [1, 1] Position [225, 139, 280, 181] SourceBlock "simulink/Signal\nAttributes/Rate Transition" SourceType "Rate_Transition" DataIntegrity on DeterministicTransfer off TransitionType "Slow to fast" InitCond "0" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Rate Transition1" Ports [1, 1] Position [75, 294, 130, 336] SourceBlock "simulink/Signal\nAttributes/Rate Transition" SourceType "Rate_Transition" DataIntegrity on DeterministicTransfer off TransitionType "Fast to slow" InitCond "0" } Block { BlockType Saturate Name "Saturation" Position [155, 300, 185, 330] UpperLimit "saturation_level" LowerLimit "-saturation_level" } Block { BlockType Sin Name "Sine Wave" Position [20, 300, 50, 330] SineType "Time based" Amplitude "0.1" Frequency "3*2*pi" SampleTime "Tsr" } Block { BlockType Sum Name "Sum1" Ports [2, 1] Position [315, 305, 335, 325] ShowName off IconShape "round" Inputs "|++" InputSameDT off OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule" } Block { BlockType Sum Name "Sum2" Ports [2, 1] Position [355, 150, 375, 170] ShowName off IconShape "round" Inputs "|++" InputSameDT off OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace1" Position [115, 85, 175, 115] VariableName "m_timer" MaxDataPoints "inf" SampleTime "-1" SaveFormat "Array" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace2" Position [115, 35, 175, 65] VariableName "m_time" MaxDataPoints "inf" SampleTime "-1" SaveFormat "Array" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace3" Position [565, 90, 625, 120] VariableName "m_xr" MaxDataPoints "inf" SampleTime "-1" SaveFormat "Array" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace4" Position [525, 240, 585, 270] VariableName "m_x" MaxDataPoints "inf" SampleTime "-1" SaveFormat "Array" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace5" Position [525, 330, 585, 360] VariableName "m_x_dot" MaxDataPoints "inf" SampleTime "-1" SaveFormat "Array" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace6" Position [565, 175, 625, 205] VariableName "m_x_dotr" MaxDataPoints "inf" SampleTime "-1" SaveFormat "Array" } Block { BlockType UnitDelay Name "Unit Delay" Position [365, 295, 400, 335] SampleTime "Ts" } Block { BlockType UnitDelay Name "Unit Delay1" Position [405, 140, 440, 180] SampleTime "Tsr" } Line { SrcBlock "Saturation" SrcPort 1 Points [-5, 0; 10, 0] Branch { Points [10, 0] DstBlock "B" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -155] DstBlock "Rate Transition" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Digital Clock" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "To Workspace2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "B" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Sum1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Unit Delay" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Unit Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0; 25, 0] Branch { Points [0, 70] DstBlock "G" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Demux" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "G" SrcPort 1 Points [-45, 0] DstBlock "Sum1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Demux" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0; 0, -50] DstBlock "To Workspace4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Demux" SrcPort 2 Points [25, 0] DstBlock "To Workspace5" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Digital Clock1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "To Workspace1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "B1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Sum2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Unit Delay1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Unit Delay1" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0; 25, 0] Branch { Points [0, 95] DstBlock "G1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Demux1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "G1" SrcPort 1 Points [-10, 0] DstBlock "Sum2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Demux1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "To Workspace3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Demux1" SrcPort 2 Points [25, 0] DstBlock "To Workspace6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Rate Transition" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "B1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Sine Wave" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Rate Transition1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Rate Transition1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Saturation" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Name "H" Position [279, 339] } Annotation { Name "H" Position [319, 184] } } }