4 Digit 7-Segment Display Generator
IntroductionThis laboratory will give you confidence to use the CAD tools associated with targeting a Verilog description to a Xilinx FPGA. The Xilinx FPGA development kit contains 3 boards. (i) a main controller board containing the Xilinx FPGA and a 50MHz clock system, (ii) an I/O board that contains a series of switches, buttons, LEDs, and a 4-digit 7-segment display (iii) a breadboard that may be used for external stimuli and analog components) In this lab, you will be using the main controller board and the I/O board. You will design a character message that can be displayed on the 4-digit 7-segment display. The message must be at least 2 characters long and can be as long as 4 characters. You can use numbers, letters, or any character of your design. Be creative. Be certain to read the users manual of the I/O board before designing your circuit so that you know how to properly drive the 7-segment display and handle the refresh rate appropriately. Also, look at the functionality of the push buttons so that you will know whether the reset for your system should be active high or active low. (The switches cannot be used currently because they must be debounced. We will discuss how to debounce switches in a couple of weeks.) A few notes about the 7-segment display: 1) All 12 signals (4 enables for each digit, the cathodes of each of the 7 segments, and the cathode of the decimal point) of the 7-segment display must be activated to something at all times. 2) The display must be tied to the master reset, so that when the reset is activated, all segments are turned off. 3) The entire system must be driven by the 50MHz master clock. You can divide this clock down to the frequency necessary by the refresh rate. The verilog code given to you in the sequential notes may be used to do the clock division. If your system is driven by the clock edge, you do not need a 50% duty cycle for your system to operate correctly. Objectives
Parts ListNo additional parts required for this lab. Everything is contained in the development kit. Equipment
LabNOTE: If you need a "sanity test" of your Xilinx board, download count4.v and count4.ucf. Generate the bit file and download it to the board. You should see 4 LED lights counting in binary from 0 to 15.
All done!